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All About LARRY....Not CC.....Or.....CIMEX

April 13 2006 at 6:06 PM

Hope this is okay.

I made reference in an earlier post about Cyclone Larry, and that I am still doing work related to it.

I had a fax come in overnight requesting me to go down to Innisfail to do some more work.

Innisfail is an hour's drive south of me.

Anyhow, to give you guys a bit of an idea what a cat 5 cyclone can do, here is a series of photo's, along with a voice commentary to download.

Nothing like Katrina, this was travelling at speeds of up to 290 kph, although several cockies (farmers) clocked 310 kph.

No deaths have been reported also.




Rick Gelinas

Re: All About LARRY....Not CC.....Or.....CIMEX

April 13 2006, 6:40 PM 


Thanks for posting those pictures Shorty.

I had been worried ever since I heard about the Cyclone.
But the news coverage in the states has not been too detailed.
I'm happy to hear there were no deaths! But what a mess.
These storms around the globe sure are getting weirder and more intense.
Thanks for sharing that info with us Shorty.

Ya gotta watch out for those Cyclones...


Rick Gelinas


Re: All About LARRY....Not CC.....Or.....CIMEX

April 13 2006, 8:21 PM 

Thanks Shorty. Is the Revelation being fullfilled? The fact no one was killed is unbelievable after looking at those pictures.


Re: All About LARRY....Not CC.....Or.....CIMEX

April 13 2006, 8:48 PM 

we are extremely lucky in that we have hourly updates as a cyclone gathers intensity.

People are continually told to stay inside until the eye has passed and the next lot of wind & rain has passed over.

Public awareness of the destructive winds is very high, we believe that is why we suffer little personell casualties.

Rick, that's good, especially as my 'Mex; is designated "Cyclone".

The people down there have retained their sense of humour also.

Signs like, "Just Larried", "Larries best blow yet", etc; are common place in front of the partially demolished houses.

There are also some sad stories about scum.

It's Good Friday here, I had to just go and do a job for a friend that has been working in Innisfail since Larry went through.

He related how there were ninety emergency personell, (firies, ambo's, SES, etc;) taking holidays on the Gold Coast during their quiet time.

They came voluntarily to Innisfail to help out, and a lot were given accommodation in one of the few standing motels.

When they returned to their rooms this day, some scum bag had ransacked the rooms, taking all the expensive, personal possessions.

I think if they had of caught that person, that would have been the first mortality.



This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Apr 13, 2006 8:54 PM

Current Topic - All About LARRY....Not CC.....Or.....CIMEX
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