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Lugging around the Cimex

April 15 2006 at 1:41 PM
Brian Luddy  

Hello everyone;
What is the weight of the 19" Cimex? How easy is it to lift into your van? Or do you have to use a ramp?
I appreciate any responses.

This message has been edited by BrianLuddy on Apr 15, 2006 2:08 PM


Re: Lugging around the Cimex

April 15 2006, 5:02 PM 

A ramp is the way to go!!!
I slide a ramp in and out which is kept handy always in the van.
Save your back....


I'm lazy, I always find an easy way to do things.

April 15 2006, 7:52 PM 

Why do you want to lift your 'Mex; in and out of your vehicle??

Young & strong??

Even young, strong, healthy backs can give out when you least expect them to.

I have two steel ramps, each about 3' long and 6" wide, there is a 2" lip on one side of each ramp.

I have drilled a hole at the top end of each ramp, and two holes into the floor of my van.

Placing the ramps over these holes, I drop a screw in the holes, this stops the ramps from moving.

The ramps, in this position are in line with the 'Mex's; wheels.

I lift the head of my 'Mex; and secure it with a bungy cord to the waste tank, with the handle in the most upright position.

This does several things:
1:...It reduces the room needed for the 'Mex;
2:...It keeps the pads off the carpeted floor, although I have heard no bad reports about them staying down, plus it stops the 'Mex; moving.
3:...It lowers the centre of gravity, making it easier to manouver the 'Mex; whether taking it up or down stairs, wheeling it around, or loading/unloading it.

When I am unloading at home, I have carpet on the garage floor, so the screws are not needed, usually only when I am unloading onto a smooth surface.

To load it, I tilt the 'Mex; back onto it's wheels, place the wheels against the ramps, lean over the handle and grab the lifting lug, then simply push it up the ramps.

Once you do it the correct way, you realise how easy it is.

Hope this long winded explanation helps.

If you would like photo's, send me an email.



Brian Luddy

Re: Lugging around the Cimex

April 15 2006, 11:06 PM 

I do not have a Cimex. I am contemplating getting one. Just taking my time and considering everything before I decide.


Re: Lugging around the Cimex

April 15 2006, 9:33 PM 

Brian, I believe it weighs 101 lbs. Shorty is younger than I and I have no problem with it. I would suggest NOT lifting it, that is why it has wheels. Getting it on and off my van (3/4 ton GMC) I use a 3/4" piece of plywood 2' x 6' and I just lay it on the floor of the van when finished. I also use the plywood to take it up steps into a home with 3 or 4 steps.

Brian Luddy

Re: Lugging around the Cimex

April 16 2006, 6:34 PM 

I wish Rick could have made it to Winterfest. But it did not work out.


Del Scrivner

Loading Ramps

April 16 2006, 9:50 PM 

I got my two ramps at Harbor Freight. If you watch they will go on sale for about $35.00 (regular internet price appears to be $49.00 now).

I built them with the end of the ramp/flat part upside down so the rails go up, creating a inside and outside ledge, keeping me from rolling off the side by accident. Then I drilled two large holes in each ramp and matched it up with my truck tailgate and my trailer floor and drilled holes there. I use 4 bolts- (decent size, but not huge)to lock the ramps into place.

Works like a champ. Here is the link.

I tie them now to the inside of my trailer with a ratcheting strap.

Good luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Kevin Pearson

Re: Loading Ramps

April 16 2006, 11:04 PM 

We used to have to lift it in and out of the truck, but we bought a box truck with a hydraulic lift gate now it is a breeze. Sure am glad we have that thing now that we have two Cimex's. The amazing thing is that the box truck was only a couple thousand more than the extended 1 ton van it replaced.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Loading Ramps

April 17 2006, 11:35 PM 

101 #'s at the least!

i use the ramp that came with my old clunky BaneClene MegaPort. i then ordered and attacehd some "anti-skid" plates from handiramp company. can't recall the addy, Search for it on this site and you'll find my posts about it.

for a plywood ramp the anti-skid plates are a must i believe. ever walk on wet plywood? can you say slick? now imagine pulling a 101+ # machine uphill on wet plywood...

i say wet because in these parts it is either snowing or raining 10 months out of the year.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Apr 17, 2006 11:35 PM

Brian Luddy

Re: Loading Ramps

April 18 2006, 12:02 AM 

I thank everyone for their responses. And thank you Rick for returning my email.

Current Topic - Lugging around the Cimex
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