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Encapping vs Hwe

April 18 2006 at 5:44 AM

I have been thinking about this alot lately. The pros and cons of both.

HWE is a great way to clean, But now that the gas prices are at around 2.80 per gallon it puts a damper on things.
I spent alot of money on my TM. It works great at cleaning residential. Even though I tell most customers to clean at least once a year. Most wait until their carpet is very dirty before calling me back. this can be between 1-2 years sometimes. Chemicals are not cheap. equipment is not cheap, not to mention maitaining it. This is a good cleaning system but an average money maker.

Encapping is a great way to clean especially commercial. It cost me nothing for gas to run. I spent very little to buy my equipment. It cleans commercial and residential. Most customers are on a maintenace schedule. So the cleanings are between 2 and 6x per year. I don't have to wait for customers to call me because of the maintenance programs I call them and tell them they are due for their cleaning. The chemicals are very fairly priced. Their is a very low amount of maintenance for equipment. This is a great cleaning system. Even though I charge less for commercial, I clean lots and lots of carpet. This is the money maker.

Even though I am glad to have both systems. Encapping is the #1 cleaning method. I am so greatful to Rick and his staff everyday.



Re: Encapping vs Hwe

April 18 2006, 6:03 AM 

Ralph, I can see where you are coming from.

The 'Mex; plays a big part in my biz;

I also run a small petrol (gas) truck mount, Aussie made.

I also have the added bonus of having quite a good porty with 2 vacs; and pressure set at 300psi.

I also have a vac; booster box that has another 2 vacs; in it.

Heat is supplied by a #2 Little Giant.

I do not have a waste problem, as I have what is called a Gulpa.

Basically, it's a self priming bilge pump, as the waste water rises, the pump turns on, the level drops, the pump turns off.

This is placed in the customers house, usually near the toilet or laundry tub, where I can dump the waste water.

Vac; hose comes from the wand to the Gulpa, where it is emptied, vacuum is still being pulled from the machine and booster box outside the house.

This system is that good that I even use my Rex with it as & when needed.

A lot of the houses I clean are empty, so power is never a problem.

Most times, all the equipment, apart from the Gulpa, can stay in my van if required.

If I am doing an occupied place, I can offer to do the cleaning slightly cheaper if I use the potty;

A lot of people don't mind as they perceive they are saving money, but I am also saving money on gas, so profit is still there.

Different strokes for different folks, eh??

Or, there's more than one way to skin a cat, eh?



Current Topic - Encapping vs Hwe
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