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April 19 2006 at 11:08 PM
Anthony Hernandez  

hello board i did a large encap job last night for the first time it was supposed to be green carpet tile it was kinda fuzzy hairy type of fiber but it needed a heavy duty vacuming first trash alll over so after vacuming i started to use the cimex and it made a real nice difference it made the green pop out so then i said let me prespray the isles first and then cimex but i noticed that the areas i presprayed look just as good as the the part i cimexed lol so i went over the whole store spraying down the ds and spent the whole  hours just vacuming and spot cleaning with the cimex on the parts that had stains lol this job was through a janitorial company who doesnt pay me that much anyways it was about 10k sq ft me and a helper spent 5 hrs there it was trashed and when we were done it looked like new almost have any of you guys had sucess with just spraying down ds i dont know how it made it look so good just spraying this stuff down like that



April 19 2006, 11:52 PM 

WOW! your period key broke? :P

hummm are you saying you simply sprayed down the DS and POOF it turned the carpet clean? is Rick paying you? ~

seriously tho, i don't see how that is possible...not even having to run the Cimex over it? or am i missing what you are saying????

thanx --- Derek.


encap ds prespray

April 20 2006, 9:02 AM 

The key to encapping is agitation. I know what your talking about. I have presprayed with punch and the carpet already looked clean but I know that agitation is the key. If you have a cimex why not use the hopper and ds and apply as you go. Prespraying does not cover the carpet like the trigger and go method the cimex has.

A funny story !!! I just got a big assistant living complex that has a different agitation system than the cimex and encap. I did a demo for them last week and was awarded the contract. The only difference in what I'm doing and they were doing is... They were prespraying some sort of encapsulation solution and agitating and I am using ds with my cimex.. The difference was amazing. they said they have never seen their carpets look better.

Prespraying is not the best way to apply ds. I only prespray with punch on really trashed carpet followed by ds and my cimex.


Anthony Hernandez

Re: encap ds prespray

April 20 2006, 11:22 AM 

then i must get some of that punch .

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS