| Restaurants & SoilezeApril 25 2006 at 8:03 AM |
Mark Dullea
| A couple of restaurants have managed to find me recently (I sure don't go looking for them!) They've come out well using a 2-step process: apply and scrub in a 50/50 mix of Encap DS and Encap Punch with my Cimex and Fiberplus pads. The go back over everything with my 20" Orbitec with damp cotton pads.
I'd use all Punch, since I am in effect padcapping, but I like to see where I've been, so I like having some of the thin foam trail that the DS provides.
The question: given all of the oily soil in restaurant carpeting, should I perhaps be adding Soileze (above & beyond the amount that's already in the Punch and DS formulas) so as to try to make the subsequent cleanings easier?
Or if not adding it to the mix, then spraying it on post-cleaning? I would appreciate any thoughts here. |
| Author | Reply | Mark Hart
| Re: Restaurants & Soileze | April 25 2006, 8:16 AM |
IMHO Soileze is a carpet protector, hence, an add on. If you use it, charge for it as for any other protector. Protectors normally should be sprayed down, however, maybe Soileze is different.
One thing I would change is Max Pads! Max Pads instead of Plus pads in the restaurant. |
Mark Dullea
| Re: Restaurants & Soileze | April 25 2006, 11:35 AM |
Max pads on wool carpeting? |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Restaurants & Soileze | April 25 2006, 12:44 PM |
Our Australian rep - Gary Bethel told me that he uses the MAX pads a lot on commercial grade wool carpets in Australia.
If you apply Soileze, you're getting full protection. All our detergents contain Soileze in the formulas. This adds a measure of soil resistance to the carpets as they're cleaned. This is part of the reason why Releasit carpets stay clean so long between cleanings. However if you want to offer full blown protection, similar to Scotchgard or Teflon, then you could apply Soileze as a stand alone protector. A sprayed down application of full strength Soileze will provide excellent protection. But I feel that the best investment a restaurant can make is in having FREQUENT cleanings. If you can get them to increase the level of service (monthly if possible), it would be money money well spent IMHO.
Rick Gelinas
encapman |
Mark Dullea
| Re: Restaurants & Soileze | April 26 2006, 7:25 AM |
Trying to better understand the interaction between the cleaning product and the protector where encapsulation is involved. If the idea of the Releasit DS is to break away from the fiber after it has cured, doesn't that take any protector (the Soileze in the mix) with it? If Soileze does not break away, and instead coats the just-cleaned fiber to better retard soiling, wouldn't it have to be applied separately, AFTER the Releasit has dried, cured, and been vacuumed away? |
Rick Gelinas
| SOILEZE EXPLAINED | April 26 2006, 7:52 AM |
You need to understand the nature of what a fluoro-chemical does. A fluoro-chemical does one thing in life. It lowers surface tension.The lowered surface tension remains on the carpet's surface even after the polymer gets vacuumed away. Perhaps a little bit of the protector vacuums out but the job of the fluoro-chemical is still effective nonetheless.
Let's illustrate it a different way. If a person added citric acid to Releasit (which lowers the pH), would the lowered pH vacuum out of the carpet? No. Same principle applies with a fuoro-chemical.
There are 4 reasons for adding a fluoro-chemical to our detergents. Keeping the carpet clean longer is only one of the 4 reasons...
1. Lowering surface tension enables the detergent to wet out the fiber and penetrate the soil more readily. So the detergent can perform its cleaning task better.
2. Lowering surface tension enables the crystal to release more easily Just like how an eggs slips from a non-stick pan because the surface of the pan is lower than the surface of the egg.
3. Lowering surface tension reduces wicking. Just as adding a protector to the carpet helps to keep soil from going down the fiber, the same principle also helps to keep soil from wicking back up the fiber.
4. And finally, lowering surface tension enables the carpet to stay clean longer between cleanings.
As you can see, lowering surface tension imparts a number of benefits. But like I said in my earlier post, if you still have a need for additional full blown protection, applying the concentrated Soileze as an after spray will provide that for you.
Soileze is a killer fluoro-protector. It was formulated by an x-DuPont chemist. His knowledge of fluoro-chemistry is incredible! You're looking at a top notch protector here. And it's completely compatible with the Crystalon3 polymer that we're using. Everyone that tries it seems to be quite impressed.
Rick Gelinas
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 26, 2006 8:01 AM
Mark Dullea
| Re: SOILEZE EXPLAINED | April 26 2006, 12:49 PM |
Thank you, Professor G. (Will that be on the final?) |
| Rambo
| LST | April 26 2006, 1:00 PM |
That brings back memories of Kieth Williams who formulated LST (lower surface tension) carpet and fine furniture cleaner about 16 years ago. Kieth passed away and Ed York bought the rights to use the formula from Kieths wife. Ed had ProChem mfg. the LST for awhile, but inconsistancy in product, back when I was using it (early 90's) forced me to drop it. Later Ed York had Paul Lucas,of ChemMax. mfg. it, and later sold the formula to it,to Paul. You can still purchase it from ChemMax. It is the best product I know of for cleaning fine silk. Now what did that story have to do with Ricks explanation of Soileze? I don't know but just felt like "rambo-ling" |
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