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Sticky tape

April 26 2006 at 5:44 AM

Yesterday was the day we celebrated ANZAC Day.

It is in memory of all the service men and women that served in all theatres of war since the Great War...1914 - 1918

Today I had to clean the carpet in our local RSL (Returned Service League), the part in question I had to clean was a large hall with direct stick polyprop carpet, glued to a timber floor.

We have a national game here called two - up.

You throw two pennies in the air, and call heads or tails.

Winner takes all.

This is all done inside a (usually round) perimeter, with all the betters, standing outside this perimeter.

This year, again, they made the perimeter with 2" wide brown plastic sticky tape.

This is the cheap, nasty stuff, that rips off easily, leaving a full residue stuck to the carpet.

I decided to try something different, I had my usual 50/50 spray bottle of Releasit DS, and went around a section of the area wetting the goo.

Went over it with my 'Mex; and wallahhhh, no more sticky.

Previously, removing the sticky would have taken as long, or longer, than cleaning the entire hall.

Completed the sticky area, then cleaned the entire hall.

Upon completion, you would not of even known there were over a thousand people betting, eating, drinking, spilling who knows what, in that room yesterday.

Just thought I would share that with you all.



This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Apr 26, 2006 5:46 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Sticky tape

April 26 2006, 7:56 AM 

Cool story Shorty

Thanks for sharing that Releasit success story with us!

Rick Gelinas

Middleton, John

Now now Shorty

April 27 2006, 5:06 AM 

Come on Maaate... after what you just posted on ICS about your 6 pack or beer and litre of scotch for medicinal purposes... of course you're not going to find any stickyness on completion!!!!

Come to think of it, you wouldn't know a lot of thing on completion


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Hi Shorty

November 2 2006, 4:42 AM 

Hi Shorty

Do you live and work in New Zealand ? If that is the case please give me your phone number or e mail adress as I would like to ask you about a Polivac machine with 12 l tank and brushes which was suggested to me by Advanced , Auckland as a best choice for encapsulation.

Thank you


Current Topic - Sticky tape
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS