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Spot-Vanish Spotter Debut

April 27 2006 at 7:45 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We've finally got the spot bottle program up and running.

Here's what the bottle looks like...

The Spot-Vanish spotter is actually ENCAP-SPOT - it doesn't get much better than that!

The price is $130 for (30) 16 ounce bottles (including free shipping).

The label printing is in full color and your company logo can be added to the lower panel.

The logo image size should be approx 235x110 pixels in tif, gif, or jpg format. Just E-MAIL your image to me

Here's the label specifications:

There's no set up charge. And the minimum order is just 30 bottles.

It's a nice looking package and an excellent spotter. Spot-Vanish (AKA Encap-Spot) does an awesome job on just about any spot, plus it neutralizes odors too. It will complement your business! You may choose to leave these bottles as a free give away for your customers, or you might wish to charge $6 or $7 for each bottle (which would be a very reasonable price). Either way, you can be confident that you're bringing a worthwhile product to your clients.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 27, 2006 7:53 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 27, 2006 7:48 PM

Rick Thode

Re: Spot-Vanish Spotter Debut

April 27 2006, 9:47 PM 

Oops, you've done it again. Looks great Bro.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Chris Muetterties


April 28 2006, 9:42 PM 

Great looking !!

I was just ordering my Home Pro Spotter but put it off till yours was done. I am now not sure what to do. 4.30 per bottle is alot more that I wanted to spend.

Is the any discount for quanity ?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Wow

April 29 2006, 8:01 AM 

I know. I'd LOVE to find a way to produce this for a lower price. Let me work on it.

Maybe I'll need to bring in 8 ounce bottles, instead of the pint bottles.

Whaddya think about a slightly less potent formula than the full Encap-Spot product? That juice is good as gold, and it's probably more fire power than Sally Homemaker really needs.

I'll put on my thinkin cap!

Rick Gelinas


I like the 8oz bottle

April 29 2006, 9:49 AM 

Rick I like the 8 oz bottle as I don't sell my current spotter, I give it away and it is a good way to keep in touch with my customers. 16 oz would keep last them to long, plus it is almost 4 times as expensive as my current spotter program. (but I'm sure a better program) keeps us in the loop! Thks. I like the bottle design by the way.

Chris Muetterties

Re: Spot-Vanish Spotter Debut

April 29 2006, 1:17 PM 


My customers LOVE the home pro spotter from B/P !!

But after they showed their true colors marketing their central vac system by bad mouthing CCers I will never buy any BP again. I bought some Poof and custys realy like it to and at 1.05 plus shipping its a great value.

Rick I love the look you have but its way out of the budget. The 8oz and maybe less strenth would make it a hot item.I am needing to order 500 qty soon so let me know if I should wait for you?



Re: Spot-Vanish Spotter Debut

April 29 2006, 5:27 PM 

Yea...also out of my budget. I dont like selling spotters. I just give'em away.So, I too try to keep cost down as much as possible (currently using Poof also). It would be REALLY sweet if it was in 8oz bottles.

Something to think about???


Size does Matter.

April 29 2006, 10:01 PM 

If you are selling the spotter (I have been selling Quarts of spotter for $10 for over 6 years now, size does not matter. If you are giving it away, size does matter.



Re: Size does Matter.

April 29 2006, 10:35 PM 

I agree with the other posts, rick...Too much $$ to be giving out for free. I use the jon-don program, and at a buck and a half, (even though it's smaller)it doesnt hurt the wallet that much...and the customers LOVE that I give it to them; some of them spent too much money on the ones stanley steemer and chem-dry sell, now they get it for free from me.


Rick Gelinas

I hear ya

April 29 2006, 11:26 PM 

I'll do my BEST to revamp this puppy and give you guys what you're asking for

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 29, 2006 11:27 PM


Patrick Matte

Excellent is correct....

April 30 2006, 4:26 PM 

Excellent service!Another reason I like Rick G.You''l never see/read this kind of discussion with the owners of B.P. or J.D.As always,a few steps ahead the rest.

BTW Rick,did your brother ever give you the extra belt that was sent to me?

This message has been edited by patrickmatte on Apr 30, 2006 4:27 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Excellent is correct....

April 30 2006, 4:39 PM 

Thanks for the kind words Patrick.

I'll have to ask Dave about the belt, he can't be trusted

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Spot-Vanish Spotter Debut
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