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What a great day! long

April 27 2006 at 9:58 PM

I arrive at my afternoon residential customer and the husband is there waiting for his daughter (the wifes on the way) I start to explain my method for the job (lots of pet urine) HWE with drimaster and he says your going to find this funny but I'm in the biz. He's a VP for a major MM. So I'm confused and say well you know all about this stuff. He replies Not a clue! He says well I had my guys clean it a couple of times and the spots came back and he said but they probably will with you but I understand. I said if they do so do I. He looked at me shocked and said really!! Long story short he wants me to do commercial accounts for them and is having his district manger call me tomorrow. I know probably low money but if I can get another Cimex with somebody pushing it MIGHT be worthwhile!! By the way the wife (a doll) kept saying I've never had my carpets cleaned when I brought up her hubands guys she said oh there not Carpet Cleaning Professionals. So there you go MM's. By the way she was thrilled with the results kept comment on how the carpets felt like new. Update tomorrow.

George Mavridis

Re: What a great day! long

April 28 2006, 6:09 AM 

Whats MM ?


This message has been edited by georgemavridis on Apr 28, 2006 6:10 AM



April 28 2006, 7:41 AM 

Managed maintenance they will do big National Contracts like Bank of America and Sub out pieces of it. Usually don't pay very well though. But they are calling me so I'll listen.


George Barnett


April 28 2006, 5:48 PM 

Beware of the MMM (Maintenance Management Mafia). Note their other problems.

Low pay, long time to send pay, and many times excuses not to pay.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor

This message has been edited by GeorgeBarnett on Apr 28, 2006 5:48 PM

Current Topic - What a great day! long
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS