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Cimex (Tile & Grout)

April 30 2006 at 2:19 PM


We are just new to the business, and we were wondering what solution is more effective for cleaning tile and grout? Do some of you use the OP method after to absorb the solution or do you mop? Is there a way to buff the floor after cleaning?

Thanks everyone,



Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex (Tile & Grout)

April 30 2006, 4:36 PM 

Use any aggressive detergent. Floor stripper will work, or use a detergent that's designed for T&G. Use a wet vac to recover the solution. Follow by rinsing the floor with a damp mop and clear water. As a final step, you can dry buff the floor with a fresh dry set of FiberPlus pads to remove any haze from the tile.

Rick Gelinas


One more question

April 30 2006, 6:31 PM 

Thanks for the reply Rick

Does anyone know of a good product to use for cleaning tile and grout?



Clay Carson

Re: One more question

April 30 2006, 8:30 PM 

We like to do tile and grout.

We have had good luck with alkaline cleaners - seems there are several that do the job well. But for acid cleaners, we are sold on Viper Renew. I can check to see who makes it, I buy it from a Bridgepoint distributor.

The stuff rocks!


George Barnett

Re: One more question

April 30 2006, 9:19 PM 

Get some non-toxic Simple Green for most jobs. Phosphoric acid cleaner from Lowes for the tough spots. Beginning to see peroxide cleaners. Rinsing is most important. Try to make it easy as possible.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Distributor

David Hebert

Re: One more question

April 30 2006, 9:25 PM 

We use Cyclone From NCL or Floor stripper.

Simple Green makes me break out in a rash.
Somthing to do with the Butals in it

mike pailliotet

Re: One more question

May 1 2006, 1:25 AM 

Oxyblaster from Magic Wand is all you'll need for most jobs.

Scott Warrington

Re: One more question

May 1 2006, 1:56 PM 

There are several good alkaline cleaners for tile and grout. The best for any situation can depend on the situation.

There are some cleaners that work by alkalinity to saponify grease. They work weel on cooking grease, OK on petroleum grease such as might be tracked in from a parking lot.

Other alkaline solutions add solvents so they work well on the petroleum and oil grease and also cooking oils.

The oxygen products help to whiten the grout by bleaching it. They are not great cleaners, but are good whiteners. If you need whitening, consider using an oxygen booster to an alkaline cleaner.

The acid side cleaners work fordealing with efflorescence, hard water marks, urine on restroom floors and sometimes on rust.

I don't think Rick wants me to "name names" so anyone interested in discussing specifics can email me.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Current Topic - Cimex (Tile & Grout)
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