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Marketing...let them see who you are..

May 1 2006 at 7:08 AM

It amazes me that alot of people still don't know what we do. I live in a town of about 13,000 people and I write articles in a town paper every month.

I had a booth at our town health fair on Saturday and had all of my marketing gere with me. I must have 50 new leads. everyone that came to my booth said I didn't know you did this?? It just shows me that people are so busy these days. They can't put two and two together.

I put my face out their (ugly as it may be). yada yada yada I expect a lot of calls this week. Maybe I should put my mug next to my articles.


Mark Dullea

Re: Marketing...let them see who you are..

May 1 2006, 2:23 PM 

What kind of articles do you write? Could you give some examples?


All kinds of stuff

May 1 2006, 4:10 PM 


I write whatever I want.. my last article was about cleaning up spills..It was about not using over the counter products..People spray whatever is in there cabinet on spills. alot of these products set the stains.


This message has been edited by Remdawg on May 1, 2006 4:11 PM


Re: All kinds of stuff

May 1 2006, 5:33 PM 

Ralph, i'm a firm believer in putting your pic on all marketing matter how you look. Jim Wolverton used to do this and he's a big fella and not a model (more-less his words on cassette tape i had hehe). he did tests of sending out flyers with his pic and without...with the pic pulled alot better.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Marketing...let them see who you are..
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