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Releasit's Flouroguard capabilities

May 1 2006 at 9:52 PM

I did a new warehouse's carpets the other day, because some one had tracked in some grease. Well I pitched to the receptionist that I should do some traffic areas and the hallway with my Releasit because it lays a Flouroguard that will help reduce the soiling of the carpet.

Is this a good idea? She said sure and I went ahead and did 500sf or so of hallway for twenty bucks, just spreading the solution out. Anyone else ever do this, or try to solicite new buildings with this in mind?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit's Flouroguard capabilities

May 1 2006, 10:42 PM 

The level of Soileze in our detergents adds a measure of soil resistance and helps to keep the carpet clean longer (good stuff). However you may want to add more protector if the customer is interested full protection.

Copied & Pasted From An Earlier Thread...

All our detergents contain Soileze in the formulas. This adds a measure of soil resistance to the carpets as they're cleaned. This is part of the reason why Releasit carpets stay clean so long between cleanings. However if you want to offer full blown protection, similar to Scotchgard or Teflon, then you could apply Soileze as a stand alone protector. If you apply Soileze concentrate, you're getting full protection. A sprayed down application of full strength Soileze will provide excellent protection.

You need to understand the nature of what a fluoro-chemical does. A fluoro-chemical does one thing in life. It lowers surface tension.The lowered surface tension remains on the carpet's surface even after the polymer gets vacuumed away. Perhaps a little bit of the protector vacuums out but the job of the fluoro-chemical is still effective nonetheless.

Let's illustrate it a different way. If a person added citric acid to Releasit (which lowers the pH), would the lowered pH vacuum out of the carpet? No. Same principle applies with a fuoro-chemical.

There are 4 reasons for adding a fluoro-chemical to our detergents. Keeping the carpet clean longer is only one of the 4 reasons...

1. Lowering surface tension enables the detergent to wet out the fiber and penetrate the soil more readily. So the detergent can perform its cleaning task better.
2. Lowering surface tension enables the crystal to release more easily Just like how an eggs slips from a non-stick pan because the surface of the pan is lower than the surface of the egg.
3. Lowering surface tension reduces wicking. Just as adding a protector to the carpet helps to keep soil from going down the fiber, the same principle also helps to keep soil from wicking back up the fiber.
4. And finally, lowering surface tension enables the carpet to stay clean longer between cleanings.

As you can see, lowering surface tension imparts a number of benefits. But like I said in my earlier post, if you still have a need for additional full blown protection, applying the concentrated Soileze as an after spray will provide that for you.

Soileze is a killer fluoro-protector. It was formulated by an x-DuPont chemist. His knowledge of fluoro-chemistry is incredible! You're looking at a top notch protector here. And it's completely compatible with the Crystalon3 polymer that we're using. Everyone that tries it seems to be quite impressed.

Soileze in the detergent adds soil resistance and contributes to the success of the detergents performance. Or you can use Soileze concentrate as a spray down application which provides complete protection. Either way, Soileze imparts excellent fluoro-chemical properties to the carpet.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 1, 2006 10:50 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on May 1, 2006 10:48 PM

Current Topic - Releasit's Flouroguard capabilities
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS