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Max Pads

May 10 2006 at 12:55 PM
Joe Gilstrap  

I just got my first shipment of MAX pads and I need to know if there is any type of commercial carpet that they should not be used on. I have used lots of the regular fiber pads but have been hesitant about using the max pads. The Cimex scrubs so good and along with the power it has I did not want to tear up someone's carpet. The Cimex is a scrubbing beast. Hey Rick have you got any attachments for it so I can till my garden? Hey that might create a whole new market. Anyways, look forward to hearing on the first subject.


Re: Max Pads

May 10 2006, 2:06 PM 

The max pad are only for the garden, don't use them on carpet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Max Pads

May 10 2006, 4:47 PM 

Hi Joe,

The Max pads are for smoothing the ground after planting your vegetable garden.
This aerates the soil allowing the nutrients to penetrate down to the roots.

Rick Gelinasencapman

Rick Thode

Re: Max Pads

May 10 2006, 4:26 PM 

Actually they work very well on any medium to heavily soiled commercial carpet. They work extremely well to help get the Releasit into the soil to suspend it very quickly. About the only carpet I wouldn't recommed it on maybe a plush cut pile carpet. But, that being said, I guess if your customer has let the carpet get that abusively soiled, I guess the MAX will help to get it out.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Rick Gelinas

Re: Max Pads

May 10 2006, 4:48 PM 

What Rick T said.

Rick Gelinasencapman


Don't use them in the garden..........

May 10 2006, 5:25 PM 

We've had about seven weeks of rain here recently.

I tried to use them in my garden but turned it into mud.

Crikey, you would have thought I was using my truck mount.

Brought all the mud to the top of the plants it did.

And then me missus started.......... 'Call yerself a gard'ner do ya??, waltzin' around the yard with that 'Mex;, 'n look at all the roots yer left behind, ah well, at least I got's plenty of mulsh'

Wimmen, yer can never understand them, nor make them 'appy.

Next time I think I'll try the brushes on the bushes.



Current Topic - Max Pads
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS