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Shaw and Encap

May 11 2006 at 7:12 AM

Kevin Pearson  

The guy I used to work for is in a college town. He does alot of carpet cleaning for the university and has for years. On Monday the university brought in Shaw industries to talk to the custodial staff and vendors about how to care for their carpet. Shaw told them that the only other system they recommend using besides HWE is the Cimex. They even told them about Releasit and how good of a product it was. They also liked one or two other encapsulating cleaners, but the tech I talked to about this could not remember their names. One of the things Shaw stressed to the custodial staff was that they should pay more attention to vacuuming. Vacuuming should be a systematic program just like the carpet cleaning program.

Just thought ya'll might like to hear what Shaw is saying.

Kevin Pearson



May 11 2006, 9:33 AM 

Great info Kevin thanks for the post! I actually have the Shaw Maintenance Brochure
where it says "Low moisture encapsulation
systems efficiently improve carpet appearance with limited down time for cleaning and drying. The cleaning agent R2Xtra, or another encapsulating cleaner certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Seal of Approval Program, is applied and mechanically agitated into the carpet pile, allowed to dry, then vacuumed to remove the
encapsulated soil. In conjunction with scheduled hot water extraction, the low moisture method helps maintain premium carpet appearance."
However they don't recommend Bonnet cleaning as it can "distort fibers".
I can send you a email copy if you want in pdf format.

Mark Hart

Re: Thks

May 11 2006, 12:18 PM 

How can I get a copy of that?


Email me

May 11 2006, 3:30 PM 

Mark just send me an email and I will send it to you

Ken Levens

Re: Email me

May 11 2006, 11:32 PM 

Email sent Rick...

Thank you in advance.



Re: Email me

May 12 2006, 3:00 AM 

Could I also have a copy thanks Rick.

Email sent.




Re: Shaw and Encap

May 12 2006, 10:35 AM 

I checked Shaw's website, there they only recommend "hot water extraction". I would like a copy of the brochure also. You can send it to;


Freend Gey

Re: Shaw and Encap

May 12 2006, 10:41 AM 

I only found the Hot Water Extraction as well. Could you send me a copy at

"Commercial Only"


Kevin Pearson

Re: Shaw and Encap

May 12 2006, 5:00 PM 

Rick I will take a copy of that brochure also.
email is

Kevin Pearson

PS Did you get that Sprint yet?


Re: Shaw and Encap

May 12 2006, 5:27 PM 

Hey Rick,
I'd love to have a copy of that as well. I have an older Shaw Brochure but it doesn't mention anything about encapsulation. My e-mail is
Jeff C


Re: Shaw and Encap

May 12 2006, 7:08 PM 

I would like a copy also.


If I missed Ya

May 12 2006, 10:18 PM 

Wow did I get swamped with this request. If I missed you please send me another email. I've been sending this out all day and might have missed somebody.


Patrick Matte

Re: If I missed Ya

May 13 2006, 7:14 AM 

Yeah sure...hit me too!


Rick Gelinas

Here it is...

May 13 2006, 8:15 AM 

Rick Lord e-mailed it to me. Thanks Rick!
So I went ahead and posted the brochure online so you all can see it.

Scroll down to PAGE-8

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 13, 2006 8:16 AM

Mark Hart

Re: Here it is...

May 13 2006, 4:57 PM 

I got it Rick, Thanks.

Current Topic - Shaw and Encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS