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Tennant VLM technology

May 17 2006 at 8:44 AM
Dennis W  

Anyone seen the new Tennant VLM machine?..It uses two counter rotating cloth rollers that pick up dirt,then sprayers and a vac shoe suck the dirt off the rollers,and rewet them. Dries in 15 minutes.
Not to put down anyones machine ,just new VLM news I thought was interesting... Very Low moisture is the name of the game.

This message has been edited by 00068 on May 17, 2006 8:47 AM


Re: Tennant VLM technology

May 17 2006, 1:10 PM 

is that their ReadySpace machine? if so, the pic's and ad's have been in the mag's for awhile now. someone recently posted some feedback on it on 1 of the wasn't that favorable of a review if i recall correctly.

sounds to be great for large wide open areas with light soil. maybe airports that get cleaned on a weekly basis?

it doesn't appear to be good for anything above light soiling tho, just a guess...i could be wrong.

thanx --- Derek


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tennant VLM technology

May 17 2006, 2:18 PM 

It's an interesting concept. I actually looked into selling these machines. The best way I can describe it is that it's basically a large cylindrical bonnet cleaning system. It has two fuzzy rollers that rub the surface of the carpet, and it picks up soil like a bonnet does. The rollers are then washed clean by the machine as the rollers continue their revolution. It was demonstrated at Connections in Florida last year. I decided not to go with the machine after I saw the demo, because I didn't feel it really fits into what we wanted to offer our customers.

Rick Gelinas

Dennis W

Tennant VLM technology

May 17 2006, 4:11 PM 

Just trying to give my comrads a heads up..I just got back on the internet after a couple of years,so I'm playing ketchup.
It actually said that it is restorative on the Tennant website..thats what really threw me.
It is the ready space machine.

Hey Rick..I just recently picked up a Tennant 2140 rotary off e-bay for $207.00. Its real clean,and in great shape. What was cool was the guy that had it works three miles from my house,so he delivered it..! Just wondered if you had an opinion about that machine.. Thanks dennis.


Re: Tennant VLM technology

May 18 2006, 2:05 PM 

Those Ready Space machines are pricey and complicated, usually involve a lot of routine maintenance. I think they cost about $15,000.

Current Topic - Tennant VLM technology
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