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oriental rugs

May 17 2006 at 11:45 AM
Bob Ledlow  

Who has had experience with encapping oriental rugs in the home. Do you use the releasit or is there a special formula for getting the best results. I am new to the cimex/releasit method but have had great results so far. Thanks in advance- Bob Ledlow


Re: oriental rugs

May 17 2006, 1:23 PM 

check out my thread above this.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: oriental rugs

May 17 2006, 9:59 PM 

Funny you should mention this. We were just cleaning rugs today with Releasit. We vacuumed the rug thoroughly upside down and then took the Cimex with Releasit mixed in it at and "soaped" the rug up good front and back. Then we flushed the rug with water. As we are running clean water through the rug then we run the Cimex to, but just scrub this time no chem. We continue to flush until we see no more soap. Also, we have a big weighted roller and we roll the water out of the rug along with a squegee. After the roller and the squegee then we went back over the rugs with the cotton bonnets on the Cimex. Even after flushing for at least an hour the bonnets still had a slight bit of dirt on them. Both rugs we cleaned today like this were filled with dog urine. They had no odor after cleaning.

I think what I like about using Releasit in the wash pit is that it does not matter if I rinse out all the detergent because what is left will crystallize and I will vac them again anyway after they are dry.

Just cleaning a rug with lots of urine with the Cimex alone will not get rid of the urine or the odor. However, when done with washing a rug it does great. The best part is I do not have to buy another chemical to wash rugs with.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - oriental rugs
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS