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Fire Station

May 19 2006 at 10:37 PM

Kevin Pearson  

I got a call from the fire station today. (Sure am glad it wasn't the other way around) They had a big ugly stain in the middle of their meeting room. So I went in with my Cimex and fiberplus pads and some Cimex bonnets and got the stain up in less than 3 minutes. The fireman were amazed. It was fun having an audience, plus it was just cool being in the fire station which is less than a mile from our shop.

Anyone else get to clean at their fire station?

Kevin Pearson


Hot topic

May 20 2006, 12:58 AM 

For the past ten years or so, I have been sanitizing the mattresses at our local airport fire station.

Every so often they also get me to clean the upholstery.

This has resulted in many carpet, upholstery and mattress jobs in the firies homes.

I have been called in to do "emergency" carpet cleans at the station, can't crack the full carpet clean though, it is tied up in a contract with the contract cleaners, (read dirt cheap).

The gymnasium set-up would shame a lot of regular gym's.



Scott Warrington

Re: Hot topic

May 22 2006, 1:38 PM 

We cleaned a fire station andthe Chief's home for several years.

One of the firemen did window cleaning on his off days. Eh saw the sucess we were having with carpet cleaning and decided to jump in and compete.

But it was still cool to work in the fire station.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Current Topic - Fire Station
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS