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SD and Cimex and the Atlanta airport...

May 23 2006 at 8:13 PM

My son just came thru the Atlanta airport late last night and saw a guy running a 19" Cimex and smearing the carpet badly. The poor maintenance saga continues A little background about the airport first. About a year and a half ago I sold the previous contractor a half of a semi load of Procyon after demo-ing that we could correct the problem with a HWE flush and bonneting with Procyon. We did not know at the time that the decision to cancell this contractor was in the works already. This was after many years of improper maintenance and lack of knowledge. They changed contractors and the carpet looks worst now than before. The answer is SD and Cimex. There is a million plus sq. ft. to be cleaned. If several of you guys joined forces and wanted that contract, I am sure it could be had. I do not know who to contact any more and I am not interested in it. But if I was 20 years younger, I am almost sure I could land it. Just look the next time you go thru Atlanta airport, What a Opportunity! A Steamin Demon and a Cimex could solve their problem. I have a feeling they are just waiting for someone to come along and solve their problem. Demo! Do not let the size of this job fool you. They need help.

This message has been edited by raymoody on May 23, 2006 8:14 PM


Re: SD and Cimex and the Atlanta airport...

May 24 2006, 12:06 AM 

i dunno about "A" s.d. and 'mex.

maybe a dozen of each?

thanx --- D

David Hebert

Re: SD and Cimex and the Atlanta airport...

May 24 2006, 8:11 AM 

Well I have 3 Demons already and another coming
half way there LOL




May 24 2006, 9:45 AM 

Rambo, maybe you can sell the job and a bunch of us from the southeast can go and clean it? i would definitly drive there seeing that i'm in northeast florida...


Mark Hart

Re: wow!

May 24 2006, 10:47 AM 

I'd drive the 8 hours for a piece of that. I'd have to borrow on of Dave's SD's, though. My only question is, Do they have enough water sources and places for the drain hoses. If not, I have a CFR recycler.

David Hebert

Re: wow!

May 24 2006, 1:55 PM 

I have one Demon that will go 450 feet 500 if I push it.
I know I am far but Be willing to go down for a bit.

Good pub for the Demon and Cimex


Re: wow!

May 25 2006, 2:41 PM 

I was offered EQ from the Atlanta Airport.

I have no contacts or backup but it is my understanding the airport is taking out all carpet and going to hardfloor. This is just here say.

"Commercial Only"

Fred Geyen

Re: wow!

May 25 2006, 2:42 PM 

Last message was from me.

"Commercial Only"

Current Topic - SD and Cimex and the Atlanta airport...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS