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Pushing a Car

May 24 2006 at 10:42 AM
Mark Hart 

Last night I cleaned 2700 s/f of CGC in a ladies clothing store. Started up the Cimex and started cleaning from fromt to rear. The machind did not want to move. I felt like I was trying to push a car up an incline, with a machine bucking all the way. Can a floor be THAT uneven? This simple one plus hour job took two hours just because of fighting with the Cimex. Weird!


Re: Pushing a Car

May 24 2006, 11:49 AM 

hiyas Mark

those times include pre-vac'ing? or just Cimex'ing?

take care Bro --- Derek.


Re: Pushing a Car

May 24 2006, 1:55 PM 

sounds like one pad drippy hole is plugged?.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Pushing a Car

May 24 2006, 6:40 PM 

That sounds strange Mark.

How large of a car did it feel like?
Are we talking Volkswagen or Crown Victoria?
What kind of rims - alloys or sport wheels?
It all makes a difference you know.

Seriously though, I think Brian may have nailed it. Give your plumbing a good cleaning. If one or two nozzles aren't feeding solution properly, the machine will generally behave badly.

Take care,

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 24, 2006 6:41 PM

Stan Kowalski

Lubricate the axle

May 24 2006, 9:26 PM 

try removing those little chrome hubcaps and spray WD40 or other lubricant on both sides of the wheels.

Mark Hart

Re: Lubricate the axle

May 24 2006, 10:45 PM 

It's okay guys, I can take it! I'll check the solution holes even though I just cleaned them out a couple of weeks ago. I hope that isn't the problem or I'll have to go back and do the carpet again. The store staff vacuumed. At MMM rates I won't do it. By the way it felt like a Citroen.

This message has been edited by markahart on May 24, 2006 10:45 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Lubricate the axle

May 25 2006, 12:49 PM 

A Citroen? Cool! I always liked those little French cars...

I like Stan's suggestion too. Try lubricating the axle. The wheels will sometimes get tight and bind up a little. So lubricating the axle/wheels may help your Cimex to glide along more smoothly.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Pushing a Car

May 25 2006, 2:16 PM 

Are you using the cimex brushes? or fiber pads? If you're using the brushes there is the problem. The brushes dig in and are generally a nightmare for me.

course if you're already using pads that whole idea goes out the window.

Current Topic - Pushing a Car
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