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Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!!

June 1 2006 at 2:40 PM
Clay Carson  


Me Cimex tank done started leakin' little dribbles instead of a powerful stream o' Releasit! I hates it when that happens!

Anyone here gots any idears on how to restore the flow? The tank is clean and dry, the plastic tube appears unclogged...

We did lose the small bolt at the bottom of the tank that supports the tank, but even when I manually hold it in position where the bolt would/used to hold it, the stream is a slow dribble.

Doesn't matter much for tile and grout cleaning or marble polishing, but for carpet cleaning I hafta spray with a pump sprayer before cleaning, which is a Royal Pain in the Abdomen.

Help, Oh Cimex Gurus!


Re: Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!!

June 1 2006, 3:00 PM 

Perhaps the bolt is clogging the line. Snake it out & run some vinager through it. Or wait for Ricks' official instructions.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!!

June 1 2006, 3:26 PM 

Sounds like you have a clog somewhere in the line. Take your rubber tube off at the bottom of the tank and then take some water or air and blow out the line. You might also have to take off the little white plastic caps on the top of the blue deck and blew air or water into these 4 holes. What happens is over time the magical Releasit crytals build up in the line and clog it. We have blown ours out with our truck mount and with an air compressor before. Both seem to work fine.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!!

June 1 2006, 5:16 PM 

somtimes the line colapses where the pinch valve is. valve opens but line stays pinched shut. I slide mine an inch or two now and then so doesn't always pinch same spot.


Rick Gelinas

Correcting Your Solution Flow

June 1 2006, 6:30 PM 

When it comes to restricted solution flow there are three possibilities:

1. The plumbing in the deck needs to be cleaned out on a regular basis. This maintenance should be performed on routinely for optimum solution flow. I've seen where the plumbing was just cleaned very recently, yet it still could stand another cleaning because some crud became dislodged and flowed through and plugged up the plumbing again. So do this on a regular basis. Here's a link that explains how to clean the plumbing...

2. If the tank gets jarred during transport of the machine, it's possible that the machine is not seating correctly on the lower tank bracket. This will seriously mess up the way the solution flows. Here's how to correct the condition. Take the upper tank bracket off (it's secured with two bolts and nuts). Place a thin strip of rubber under the bracket (I usually use bicycle inner-tube rubber). Then put the upper bracket back on and tighten the bolts as you're pressing downward on the tank. The tank will now be seated securely, and the solution valve will control the pinch valve properly.

3. What Brian mentioned above is also a common condition. The tube can get squished where it runs through the pinch valve. Simply move the tube through the valve a 1/2" or so and massage the squished tube back into shape. Now it will work like it should.

It has to be one of those three things. So give 'er a lookin over and in a few minutes she'll be running like a champ again

Rick Gelinas


Re: Correcting Your Solution Flow

June 1 2006, 8:48 PM 

the best tool i've found for cleaning out the holes is a gun cleaning rod. insert into hole twist a couple times and drag out the junk!!!

Clay Carson

Re: Correcting Your Solution Flow

June 2 2006, 9:47 AM 

OK, thanks, folks!

Current Topic - Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS