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Tell me how to remove

June 3 2006 at 9:36 PM

Gum from restuarant carpets when using the Cimex,
What to use and your experience with the process.
I have a job to do and for years I always HWE.



Tell me how to remove

June 3 2006, 10:10 PM 

I freeze it with a can of freezer spray chip off what I can and then use Citrus Solve and wipe the rest off.



Re: Tell me how to remove

June 3 2006, 10:26 PM 

50/50 Releasit will remove most gum, but you will need to scrub and it will not be quick. However, it allows you to just carry one bottle with you because it will remove almost everything else also and I am naturally lazy.

Kevin Pearson

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 3 2006, 11:01 PM 

We use Gum Gel by Hydroforce. It has performed better than any other product we have tried. Take a gum getter (plastic agitator) and pound a few cracks in the gum when it is a heavy spot and apply the gum gel, then go do something else and in about 10 minutes it will be dissolved to the point that a little agitation takes it right out. On smaller spots you can apply gum gel and take it right out with the gum getter tool. If there is a better product out there we would like to know about it, but at this point Hydroforce Gum Gel is the best we have seen.


Patrick Matte

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 3 2006, 11:05 PM 

Besides the gum freezer,get either;Proschoice power gel or Vacaway gel.Along with the shark like agitator(yellow).Use you product,agitate and blot with towel before you clean.


Re: Tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 12:21 AM 

freeze spray and "Jaws the Agitator" from Magic Wand.

Bob Kinnarney

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 8:53 AM 

Over the years I have had the best success with Liqua-Gel from Chemspec. I have used many others, but always return to the Liqua-Gel. Even old gun as hard as asphalt will disolve after scoreing it a little.
My wife used the mex for the first time a couple of weeks back. She asked me if it will take out gum. I told her to apply the gel in the usual fashion, let dwell, then hit it with the mex. We were using the gray pads that day. The gum was gone and no white ring after it had dried. The encap juice prevented this from happening and no rinse was needed. She helps me under on some of the larger jobs on a military base.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 9:49 AM 

Simple 2 step process - takes way less than a minute.

1. Freeze the spot with freeze gum spray. Now chip the top off the hardened wad of gum.

2. Apply a tiny dab of citrus gel to the remaining residue. Then rub residue gently and it wipe with a towel. Done!

Now just encap right over the section like normal with Releasit and the spot will be no more.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 10:52 AM 

Three best product I have used

HardBalls pine spotter.

Core's gum remover

and Goo Gone.

All three melt the gum quickly little rubbing or
scraping involved. It works quickly and the chems
are not expensive.

greg loe

Re: Tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 9:47 PM 

If you don't use the freeze, make sure your remover is a gel. Liquid will go down to the backing, sometimes, and cause glue problems.

Greg Loe

Dennis Wiechert

tell me how to remove

June 4 2006, 11:38 PM 

Whats the best gum remover to use if you are a VLM cleaner,and your concerned about rinseability?

J. Sweetland


June 5 2006, 10:38 AM 

Melts gum like a champ. Spray some on agitate absorb with a cloth. Done.

Current Topic - Tell me how to remove
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS