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Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!! # 2

June 4 2006 at 7:29 AM

Following on from the previous post, I learnt a lesson last week.

First though, some time back, I read where some techs; never clean out their solution tank, just keep adding juice.

So, being a slacko, I tried this also.

I have also been doing a fair bit of crummy work for some good money lately, and using a cheaper product as these were real estate jobs that I would never see again but the agent, (a friend), still wanted a good job, but did not want to fork out for protection.

Hence the cheaper product.

Hence the problem.

Not flushing out my waste tank, I also started to just get a dribble coming through to the pads.

Then, virtually nothing.

Problem ??

The filter in the base of the solution tank was clagged up with a gummy residue.

No solution coming through to the pads.

A good brushing and wash under fast water soon fixed that.

I've learnt my lesson.

Lesson # 2

With a full tank of juice, and without turning the release lever on, I was still getting a lot of juice coming out when I did not want it coming out.

Problem ???

The four screws holding the solution regulator which clamps the hose, had come ever so slightly loose and the whole block had moved.

This effectively stopped the clamp from operating as it should and was allowing the extra juice through.

Simple matter to re-adjust the block and tighten the screws.

No more problem.

What I really like about 'Big yella' is that it appears to have been assembled using the 'KISS' principle.

(Keep It Simple Stupid)

If there is a problem, you only have to look at the machine, and trace the problem back, to find the easy fix.

So far, .



Current Topic - Cain't Git No Water Outta MeTank!! # 2
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