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June 7 2006 at 10:44 AM

Is it just me or what!! Lately everytime I bid on some thing on EBay I get hit with a bunch of second chance scams. I've checked them out via the orginal seller and they are not legit. Anybody else have this problem? I've posted this on the ICS board a couple of times and it doesn't seem like it's that big an issue for everyone else.



June 7 2006, 11:33 AM 

This past week was my first experience with Ebay, and I recieved 3 second chance offers, I reported them all! I figured something was up when three different people had the 15" cimex I was bidding for, or that the original owner's email was different.

Also I learned that all the bidding on merchandise seems to happen in the last minutes, if not seconds of the bid time. Geeez I thought I was golden all week until I hopped online this morning to see I was out bid! Live and Learn!

Rick Davies

Re: Ebay

June 7 2006, 11:49 AM 

I was the first to bid on the 15" Cimex. when my bid did not meet the minimum sellers reserve I rebid $1200.00 and was then winning the bid. Subsequently someone out bid me and I was relieved becouse I mistakenly thought I was bidding on a 19" Cimex. Now I just received an E-mail informing me that I had a second chance since the winning bidder could not complete the transaction.

Rick Davies

Re: Ebay

June 7 2006, 12:20 PM 

Just received another second chance offer on the Cimex so I went to my Ebay account and the real one sold for $1825.00. These E-mails are some kind of scam................

Marketplace Safety Tip
All legitimate and current Second Chance Offers will appear on this page. eBay will never send a Second Chance Offer with the subject line "Question from eBay Member." If you receive an email pretending to be a Second Chance Offer with that subject line, it's a fake. Forward the email to


cimex is sold

June 7 2006, 1:44 PM 

Thanks for your bids. It is sold, I am not sending out second chance bids LOL. It is getting so you have to know what you are doing on ebay or you can get hurt. My Sprint Scrubber ends tomorrow.


Ebay scammers

June 7 2006, 4:44 PM 

Make that six second chance offers. Wow, lots of 15" cimex's for sale out there! I should lower my price! I wrote to one of these "sellers" and he said to foward my info,and where to send it to, below is what i sent:

You can send it to :

Detective John Alario
Fraud/Protection Unit
744 Almida Dr.
California, 02596

You can personally reach me at:

909-889-9112; our dispatch office will forward your call.

Thank you for your quick response! If there are any other questions feel free to
contact me.

Det. JOhn Alario
California Fraud Prevention Unit

Wonder if he'll call???


Re: Ebay scammers

June 7 2006, 6:34 PM 

LOL -- Great message, very funny. I almost got a 8 month old 19" Cimex for $1500.00 but the owner decided not to sell at this time. He had something like six or eight units, if they become available again I'll find out if I can offer any on this board.


6 Now

June 7 2006, 10:55 PM 

Good idea Matt! I'm up to 6 second chances for the 1 item now. EBay doesn't seem reallyu concerned I just get an auto response.


I've reached 10 make that 13

June 8 2006, 9:14 PM 

this is pathetic. I'm seriously considering canceling Ebay.

This message has been edited by DDcarpclean on Jun 9, 2006 6:21 PM

Current Topic - EBay
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS