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Try it Upside Down....

June 7 2006 at 6:33 PM

Like everything else in the physical universe, our bodies respond to gravity. As we age gravity acts on our internal organs, fluids and bone structure as well. The best remedy for this is occasionally turn our bodies upside down reversing the pressure. Use a slant board with loops at the top for your ankles and position yourself at a gentle angle. If you just reverse the pressure from your spine for as little as 5 minutes a day can allow compressed discs between the vertebrae to begin regeneration. Circulation to the brain is also improved, blood and lymph flow also get a break from their routine. Do not stay in position more than 10 or 15 minutes as too much blood flows to the head. Those of us who have some back problems (I have 3 crushed vertebraes) this will work wonders in as little as 5 minutes. I useally stay on under 10 minutes. You can make your own slant board for less than $30. I will continue to share business and marketing tips along with some health tips that have helped me if you would like to see them posted. Carpet Cleaning is a physical demanding job and you can't enjoy it if your are not up to par health wise.


Re: Try it Upside Down....

June 7 2006, 7:08 PM 

I walked away from my computer and when I came back, I saw the message titled "Try it Upside Down....." and assumed I was on my favorite Adult site --- What a disapointment!!!!! Good advice though cause I actually need more blood going to my brain to wake up some of those cells I damaged in the late 70's and early 80's. Hey I post on a Styx board and we often post things that are not related to Styx and we put in the subject line "OFF Topic" so people who do not want to go off topic can not complain.

Speaking of classic rock has anyone tryed to introduce thier kids to the music of our day? My kids listened to all classic 70's and 80's rock and my oldest daughter was a Styx fan so I took her to see them in 2001 when she was 9 and she loved it since then we see them every year and so far have seen Kansas, Reo Speadwagon, 38 Special, Journey, Avril Lavigne and Simple Plan (ya gatta mix the old with the new)really wanted to see Journey/ Def Lepoard but the seats were too far back.


Upside down down under....HUH ???

June 7 2006, 9:07 PM 

Yer not just a pretty face young fella.

Been using one for a while now, only problem is, I don't use my inverta-bed often enough.

(That's what we call them).

Used to be a pain to bend down and pull the pin after straightening the back, until I learnt how to bend the legs instead of the back.

Only other hassle is that for a 225lb weakling that is only 5'7" tall, has to extend the bed frame to 6'8" to get the correct quilibrium. LOL


Short, round, mound of sound, from up top, down under.


Re: Upside down down under....HUH ???

June 7 2006, 10:03 PM 

LOL Shorty, I sure did enjoy your post on the Aussie board. Then Rick went and took it off his board. Could you please give me the addy (web address) for that board.


For Rambo's eyes only.

June 8 2006, 12:36 AM 

This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Jun 8, 2006 12:37 AM


Re: Upside down down under....HUH ???

June 8 2006, 9:01 AM 

Shorty. I meant to say posts, (plural) because I enjoyed most of them. "short round man of sound" that is a classic.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Jun 8, 2006 9:02 AM

Current Topic - Try it Upside Down....
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