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SD Users: Uph/Stair Attachment

June 8 2006 at 8:08 AM

Does any of you Steamin Demon owners have that attachment? If so, how well does it work for you? I don't clean much furniture, but could use one for stairs and vehicles.

Also, anyone have one they want to sell? Thanks.

David Hebert

Re: SD Users: Uph/Stair Attachment

June 8 2006, 11:00 AM 

What version of the Demon do you have?

There are three different versions of these tools
that work with the Demon

Bob Wittkamp

SD hand tools

June 8 2006, 4:43 PM 

I love my SD "off the floor attachment" which allows the use of a stair or furniture cleaning tool. The uniques clear plastic structure allows you , and the customer, to see the dirt coming out of the fabric or stairs. And hand tools are not the only attachments that can be used. I will use my SD and my old style, slow speed, glided RX20 to clean an empty apartment tomorrow. I use the RX regularly with the SD and the "off the floor attachment.". And, yes, I have one for sale. Sorry Rick!


Stair Upholstery Tools For XL 15/20?

June 8 2006, 9:07 PM 

Are ther stair/upholstery tools available for the SD XL 15/20?

David Hebert

Re: Stair Upholstery Tools For XL 15/20?

June 8 2006, 11:54 PM 

yes there are I would not be with out them

Dan Brown

Re: Stair Upholstery Tools For XL 15/20?

June 9 2006, 12:33 AM 

I have the XL-15 and have used it exclusively for residential cleaning for about a year now (got it last july). I use a ~10 ft vac and solution hose with it on stairs, it works awesome! Just be sure to wipe down the stairs (should be doing that anyway) with a towel to get more moisture/soil out of the steps. I would like to make the hoses about 3-4 ft. longer because there are a few staircases where I have just a couple of steps left and I run out of hose.

Bob, I'm assuming you have the older demon. With my demon I don't think I'd have enough solution or suck to use the rx-20?


(hopefully the pic shows up, its my first time )


Re: Stair Upholstery Tools For XL 15/20?

June 9 2006, 7:29 AM 

David, I've got the SD2. Love the machine, a little too bulky in tight areas like closets, but it rocks!

Bob, I sent you an email. Thanks for your info about using an RX20 with it. Just emailed Rotovac for info on doing the same thing with their new 360.

Thanks for the info guys.

David Hebert

Re: Stair Upholstery Tools For XL 15/20?

June 9 2006, 8:16 AM 

The new Demon actually has more suck
then the older ones.

I am bet Bob has the SDII same as the Classic
but with spray system built into it.

Fact is the same vac motor is in all the Demons
only the Super Structure is different.

If anyone is having problems with suction only two or three
things wrong.

Vac motor dead or dying.
Vac motor opening partly clogged. This due to the seals around
it getting pulled into it.

Filters that protect the vac motor clogged up. either the stainless steel
or the cloth ones.

I believe my hose attachment is 15 or 18 feet long. I could run a RX with out a problem. I do run a power wand off it when needed.

another option if you need or want to run longer hoses off it is to hook up a power booster. I have a Cross American booster I run off it from time to time


So where is the "truckmount?"

June 9 2006, 5:06 PM 

Dan, you sure keep a neat truck. Doesn't look like you have any room for a "Truckmount" LOL


Smaller pic; for those older blokes ;-)

June 9 2006, 6:50 PM 

Hope this works.......

Dan Brown

Smaller pic; for those older blokes ;-)

June 9 2006, 10:44 PM 


If there's one thing I've learned from this biz that I can relay to anybody, always buy the extended length van
No room for a TM at the moment, no real desire to have one yet either, I've built this biz from the ground up using highly portable equip and it suits me just fine (no huge monthly payment either, big plus).

Im a young guy and that was hurting my eyes, thanks! What's your secret?


My secret

June 10 2006, 5:04 AM 

Thanks to Col Foster of the Australian Carpet Cleaners Forum for putting me on to this program.

It is a free download.

I use it when I download pics from my camera, it automatically goes to Irfanview.

With Irfanview, I can re-size pics, like I did above, I can also put captions into each photo.

And a lot more, but I ain't that smart, but I'm workin' on it.

This is very handy when doing insurance reports, etc; or simply taking photo's of jobs, or Oriental rugs, with the name of the client, etc;

With the above photo, I simply put the cursor onto the photo in the original post, right clicked, and saved image.

Irfanview saved the image, I then opened the image and re-sized it to an appropriate size, saved it, then re-posted it on this forum.

After you do it a couple of times it is so very simple.

That's why I like it, it operates on a K.I.S.S. system.



Current Topic - SD Users: Uph/Stair Attachment
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