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June 15 2006 at 3:32 AM
Dennis Wiechert  

I have been scouring the web for some LifetimeSolutions,after using all my Carpet 123 on a BAD protien mess in a dark blue nylon. I had never used it before,just happened to find it on the never used shelf when I found myself out of everything else..Boy does that stuff kick butt!! Anyway,the LifetimeSolutions link was dead on their website...more searching and I found INVENTEK,(LifetimeSolutions)which has partnered with RELEASEIT. Now two great chems can be found on one website..Thumbs up Rick!!

This message has been edited by 00068 on Jun 15, 2006 3:42 AM
This message has been edited by 00068 on Jun 15, 2006 3:41 AM
This message has been edited by 00068 on Jun 15, 2006 3:39 AM

Rick Thode

Re: Inventek(LifetimeSolutions)(Releaseit)

June 15 2006, 12:11 PM 

The formula's have even been improved substantially from the old 123. Try putting it on urine odors and watch it disappear. Try getting diesel fuel on your hands or close (you know you'll been scrubbing for a while to get that smell out) wash your hands with this product and you'll notice the smell gone instantly and it also softens your skin instead of defatting it.

The newest formula is the Mold Blaster. This is a totally safe organic product that was developed for katrina. This stuff penetrates the mold spore to destroy it. The best part is that most sporacides work on surface mold because they have little ability to penetrate the surface they are on. Because of the miscelles, it penetrates the surface better than anything else.

It was really cool the test we saw, we put Benefect with a colored dye in it into a styrofoam cup and place Mold Blaster with a colored dye in it beside it. Within a short period of time the Mold Blaster started to penetrate the pores of the cup and the Benefect never did. Absolutely incredible stuff.

Rick Thode

Current Topic - Inventek(LifetimeSolutions)(Releaseit)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS