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My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 20 2006 at 7:04 PM

tires are 13.5"-14"...takes 60 sec's to change them.

thanx --- D.

Anthony Hernandez

Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 20 2006, 9:44 PM 

good idea

This message has been edited by EXTREME-STEAM on Jun 20, 2006 9:46 PM


Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 20 2006, 11:23 PM 

does this put more pad pressure on the head, or are you tring to get it to look like a 78' Caramo with air shocks???


Hot wheels

June 21 2006, 4:36 AM 

Danny, it won't put any more, nor any less, pressure on the pads, due to the entire base 'floating' on independant struts/arms.

However, the larger wheels will make it easier to take up and down stairs, also wheel in and out of the van on a ramp.

How do those chrome hub caps come off??, I haven't looked at them as yet, so am still in the dark.

Being a predominantly lazy bugger, I'm always on the lookout for an easier way of doing things.




darn hubcaps

June 21 2006, 8:32 AM 

I'm always catching the hubcaps on corners and door frames, I wish the tires were wider than the centers to stop that. Between that and the sticky cord, somtimes its a pain to run in hallways.



Re: darn hubcaps

June 21 2006, 12:15 PM 

I have a lift system on mine as well as crome wheels.

Ades Gros

Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 21 2006, 1:46 PM 

Is it a 1/2" axel ? how about a closer pic of the tires, what did you use for the axel

gregg loe

Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 21 2006, 2:12 PM 

did you leave the old tires on and put the new axel thru them? then mount new tires on the outside of old wheels?

Bo Newman

Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

June 21 2006, 4:19 PM 

Yes, leave the regular wheels on. Don't try to clean with the bigger tires on.

Use air filled tires, inflate to about three pounds (they float over steps better that way). Use a 5/8 inch threaded rod - it's available at Home Depot - cut to length. Thread through holes in regular wheels, put tires on, put nuts on (don't tighten - leave loose) and you're ready to go. The big tires will be on the outside of the regular wheels.

There are further directions on this site - go to search engine, type in "big wheels for cimex" and your other questions should be answered.

Don't go beyond 13-14 inch tires. They won't fit on stairs.

To put the tires on or take off - start with the handle up. Rotate both wheels to the correct position (you'll find out what I mean when you do it.)

Thread the rod through both of the regular wheels. Put on big tires and nuts. Time - l5 seconds.


Re: My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)

February 24 2007, 10:24 AM 

I may have a chance to clean the jetway carpets again soon. The steps are adjustable. They could be steep or they could be lower.
I think a handle would be a better idea. If you understand what I am trying to say.



Current Topic - My Jacked Up Cimex (larger wheel pic's and directions)
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