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June 23 2006 at 1:08 PM
David Hebert  

I just wanted to give a great big thanks and a double thumbs up to Ricks
staff. I emailed asking how soon I could get some supplies to me.

They called me back but I was out, so Ricks staff shipped the product any ways so I could get the product in time.

Thanks again guys stuff arrived today and a good think too, my job was bumped up to tommorow morning due to tennent wanting to move in early


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thanks

June 23 2006, 2:23 PM 

Thanks for the compliment David! We try. In a supply business, it can be challenging working with UPS and the other shippers sometimes. UPS normally averages about 5 messed-up packages a week (broken, mis-delivered, etc). We've changed their slogan to "What Can Brown Damage For You?" And then on occasion we'll run into a problem on our end too. So there are times when a package just doesn't get to our customer the way we'd like it to.

So I want to thank you for taking the time to express your appreciation for the package that you just got from us. But you shouldn't have to say thanks now should you? I've been in the SERVICE industry long enough (just like you have David) to know what good service should be. We're not providing a meal at a fast food joint here, we're involved with helping you grow your business. That's serious! And that's why our whole staff has been trained to jump through any hoops we can to assist the customer. It's nice to hear that you noticed - thanks

Hope the job goes well for you!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Thanks
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