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cleaning fiberplus pads

June 24 2006 at 5:37 PM

how do you clean fiberplus pads.]



Re: cleaning fiberplus pads

June 24 2006, 9:59 PM 

the nearest trash can or dumpster works for me!!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: cleaning fiberplus pads

June 25 2006, 12:27 AM 

The pads don't really need cleaning. The detergent flows through the pads as you're cleaning. So they’re being flushed as you clean. They'll only get a little bit soiled. Thus you really don't need to take any special measures to clean them. If the carpet is horribly soiled, you may have a situation where you'd want to rinse them after you're done cleaning. But that's the exception; most of the time you can just run them till they're worn down to nothing. Then just peel 'em off and replace.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 25, 2006 1:04 AM


Re: cleaning fiberplus pads

June 26 2006, 8:40 AM 

I've thrown them in the washer at laundromat with my other buffer pads. Hot water, no soap.


Dennis Wiechert

cleaning Fiberplus pads

June 26 2006, 11:20 AM 

A friend of mine always power washes his pads over a skid,(not fiber plus),but I don't see why it wouldn't work the same.

There is a device available that hard floor guys use to wash srubs. It hangs on a wall with a water hose connection,then spins them while enclosed in this unit.
Their scrub pads don't wear down as fast as ours though.

This message has been edited by 00068 on Jun 26, 2006 3:46 PM

George Mavridis

Cleaning pad drivers

June 28 2006, 3:53 AM 

While I never clean the pads (just throw them away when they wear down), how do you clean the pad drivers? Mine have a small amounts of the pad stuck on them.


Dennis Wiechert

cleaning pad drivers

June 28 2006, 4:36 PM 

The same way some guys clean their OP stair tool drivers..(carefully)with a high pressure sprayer,or at the car wash.


pad drivers

June 28 2006, 5:25 PM 

I use a wire brush

Current Topic - cleaning fiberplus pads
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