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Smell the Money

July 9 2006 at 9:43 PM

It's an old joke in the bowels of industry-"where there's stink, there's money. And it's true. Odor is not tolarable, in the home, in the work place, period. Consider becoming a Odor Specialist. Years ago I took a IICUC (I told you it was a long time ago) in Chattanooga taught by Doyle Bloss, if I remember correctly, Ruth Travis was in that class. It is a great extension of your exsisting besiness. We did it for a number of years and made plenty of money. We did a lot of automobile/vans for Enterprise Leasing and Hertz. We also converted alot of Marriott rooms to non-smoking (just about a non-issue these days) Get Certified and go for it. In Ohio, Larry Sohn, an odor control professional runs a business with annual revenues in excess of $1 million, and he don't even clean carpet.


Re: Smell the Money

July 11 2006, 12:19 PM 

that stinks!!!

I love doing odor control for the property mgr's i work for becasue they know they can't rent a property that smells. they are happy to pay a good price for getting a place rented for a year.

PS keep some 40 volume peroxide if ya HWE, you'd be surprized how well it works in cat urine situations.

Current Topic - Smell the Money
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