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July 12 2006 at 2:27 AM

Are the Fibrepads different on each side??,one side feels harder and more denser than the other??



Re: Pads

July 12 2006, 7:42 AM 

One side is smart, the other side is dense.LOL


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pads

July 12 2006, 7:50 AM 

The FiberPlus pads have a slightly harder texture on one side of the pad. Yet the difference is almost unperceivable. The reason for the variation between the two sides of the pad is a result of the baking process.

Here's how our FiberPlus pads are manufactured: The pad fibers are spun together and are mixed with latex and other binder material. Then the pad material is run through an oven. The final step is where they come out of the oven and get cut into individual pads.

As the pad material passes through the oven, the side facing the heat gets baked a little tougher than the other side. The pad is made from the same material all the way through the pad, so the variation of firmness on one side is inconsequential. However, some cleaners will put the pad on the machine with the firm side facing the carpet. I'm not sure if that does anything or not, it's probably more psychological than anything. Either way you run the pads, they work pretty consistently.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 12, 2006 7:51 AM


George Barnett

Re: Pads

July 12 2006, 10:20 AM 

"Smart and dense" side of pads. Been using pads pads for 25 years and thought that only applied to the operator.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services

Current Topic - Pads
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