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What is padcapping?

July 13 2006 at 4:32 PM
Tiberius Coale  

First of all, I just wanted to say that this forum is great! My company purchased two used Cimex machines about a half a year ago and have been using them at some of our larger accounts with success but, I have always wondered whether we were using them in the best manner. Granted, you fill up the tank with your solution and Cimex away, but I have always wondered about what type of brush or pad was the most effective (we have only used the white nylon brushes). Same for chemical (we have only used FoamDry2X by SCOT Laboratories). Having said that, this Forum has been a big help.

Anyway, I have seen the term "padcapping" and was wondering what it means.


Re: What is padcapping?

July 13 2006, 9:07 PM 

I have yet to use the Cimex so I can't speak about their brushes or pads but for more years then I care to say I would rotary clean commercial carpet with a brush. I latter found I can clean commercial carpet better with pads (more contact with the carpet and an even agitation). You can sample an area using the brush and pad next to each other, the results will answer your question. As for what encap chemical is more effective? Let me know when you find out.

I believe padcapping is the process of pump spraying encap solution on the carpet followed by wet bonnet/pad agitation then vacuumed when dry. I perform this technique regularly and it works very well.



Re: What is padcapping?

July 13 2006, 10:27 PM 

if you are used to using brushes, wait til you try some of Rick's Fiber pads!

you're in for a treat to say the least.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: What is padcapping?

July 13 2006, 10:31 PM 

oh and padcapping is just a made up expression which makes no sense to me.

Encap'ing is Encap'ing no matter if you use: cotton pads / bonnets ; brushes on a rotary/OP/GLS/Host/etc....... ; synth pads (like Fiber pads or ThinOne's) ; HWE.

Encap'ing is determined by the cleaning solution used. if it "encapsulates" something (ie: soil) then it's Encap'ing.

some ppl make it more difficult than it is.

thanx --- Derek.

that's my anal view of it anyways hehehehe

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Jul 13, 2006 10:48 PM


Re: What is padcapping?

July 14 2006, 12:08 AM 

Some people like to put an additional name on other people, objects and even procedures. This time someone put a name (padcapping)on one of the methods used for encap'ing. Good or bad, that's what they came up with and a few folks are now using the expression to discribe this method.
I asked the same question as Tiberius two yrs. ago and even though I don't use the expression, that was the answer I was given from my supplier. It may not even be right!


This message has been edited by renew on Jul 14, 2006 1:08 AM


Re: What is padcapping?

July 14 2006, 7:53 AM 

Thanks Derek,

Yeah I can't wait to try Rick's pads.

Richard Brooks

Re: What is padcapping?

July 15 2006, 12:23 AM 

My thinking is:

"encapping" relies strictly on scrubbing the encap solution into the carpet to encapsulate the soiling then vacuuming up after product dries.

"padcapping" utilizes an absorbent pad to remove some of the soil and the encap solution that is left in the carpet encapsulates the remaining soil.

There is also another form of encapsulation cleaning. HWE using encap-punch. Extraction plus the added benefit of an encapsulating residue left behind.

Three different variations I use as required by the project on hand. There is a definite difference between them.



Re: What is padcapping?

July 15 2006, 3:38 PM 

I agree!

Richard or anyone else, have you used encap-punch in the extractor? If so is there any problems with clogging jets?
Do you need to flush your lines out after use?


Richard Brooks

Re: What is padcapping?

July 15 2006, 7:44 PM 

Steve, I do use encap-punch with HWE and it has never clogged anything. When I encap or padcapp (sorry Derek) I use an electric or pump-up sprayer that do not clog either. I also have no clogging issues with Releasit protector. The reason that I mention that is I tried Bridgpoints Maxim protector, Encapuclean with Maxim & Encapclean Bonnet/Brush Encapsulate Cleaner, all of which clogged up my sprayers If I didn’t rinse them out after use. I know, I’m supposed to rinse the sprayers after use but I don’t due to them normally being partially full at the end of the day and will be used again the next day and using Rick’s products I see no need.

Steve, also Ricks fiber pads are the way to go when encapping. Have been using the FiberPlus Pads with great success and just received an order of MAX Pads that I have yet to try.



Scotchguard Clogs also

July 15 2006, 9:52 PM 

Scotchguard aso clogged my multisprayer


Re: What is padcapping?

July 16 2006, 12:24 PM 

Thanks Richard
Valuable info.

Richard Brooks

Re: What is padcapping?

July 17 2006, 12:03 AM 

You are welcome Steve


Re: What is padcapping?

July 18 2006, 3:51 AM 

Tiberius, you need to order some releasit double strength and some fiber plus pads. This will change everything for you.

Current Topic - What is padcapping?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS