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40 Drops of TeaTree does the trick on Urine

July 18 2006 at 6:00 PM

recently did a job on a home with a small hallway that was thick with urine spots and odor. i cleaned it with a competitors "deodorizing" cleaner, to no avail. i then re-cleaned it for free using 40 drops per gallon of Punch RTU, applied it HEAVY and let dwell for 10 minutes then OP'ed out with dry pads. the comment card i got back Saturday says it all:

"The additional service provided to eliminate the dog odor from the hallway was beyond normal service provided by others. And it worked! Thank you."

glad i keep a small bottle of TT oil in the van

thanx --- D.


Rick Gelinas

Re: 40 Drops of TeaTree does the trick on Urine

July 18 2006, 6:52 PM 

Tea Tree is a cool little trick isn't it?

Rick Gelinas


Re: 40 Drops of TeaTree does the trick on Urine

July 18 2006, 7:05 PM 

Way to go Derek. We use it almost every day. I still buy mine at WalMart for $4.80 a 2 oz. bottle. My grandson was telling me today that they use tea tree oil at the sport barber shop he goes to. They massage it into the scalp to help with dandruff.


Tea Tree in Tropo's

July 18 2006, 9:00 PM 

When I seen it, I was shirty,
She was filthy, not just dirty,

They said "Can you fix it"??
I said "No problem, I got Releasit"

A big job, with room to spare,
But the wool carpet, it was threadbare.

So into my van for my best set of tricks,
& up the stairs went the yellow Cimex,

The booze in the carpet, WOW, it stunk,
Tea tree oil fixed it, who woulda thunk.

No, I won't give up my day job;-)
the pay's too good.

Teen's filthy disco/nightclub, recommended replacement, new owners said clean it.

Bugga, lost me Photobucket password, be back later.



Rick Gelinas

A poet among us

July 19 2006, 3:20 AM 


We're just gonna have to submit that literary masterpiece for an award. We're in the presence of greatness.

Poetry Awards

Rick Gelinas


Cover up or Cure?

July 19 2006, 11:37 AM 

Does the Tea Tree just cover up the smell for a time or does it get rid of it for good?


Rick Gelinas


July 19 2006, 4:53 PM 

Tea Tree is a "cure" as opposed to a "cover up". Tea Tree oil is used in a number of highly effective urine and odor treatment products that are available on the market. Tea Tree exhibits very effective disinfecting qualities. It also has solvent/cleaning properties. Plus it’s safe to work with. It really gets the job done well for many mal-odor projects. It’s even reported that Tea Tree oil can kill the MRSA virus.

To learn more about Tea Tree take a look at these encyclopedia links:

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

Re: Cure!

July 20 2006, 3:11 AM 

Is there any reason why I couldn't use Tea Tree Oil in any of my others cleaning solutions when I'm HWE?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cure!

July 21 2006, 5:24 PM 

Why not?

It will work in just about any situation.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - 40 Drops of TeaTree does the trick on Urine
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS