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Painting My Truck

July 20 2006 at 4:24 AM
Bo Newman 

Why can't I think of something humorous like this guy. Do you have any suggestions.


George Barnett

Re: Painting My Truck

July 20 2006, 7:10 AM 

Just think it out. Over the 4th of July, all I heard was Superman this and Superman that.

Hit me like a ton of bricks. CleaningSuperman was born. Started with new website and marketing will be a breeze. Next plan is getting trailer wrapped with CleaningSuperman art. Every kid on the road will be pointing and yelling at mom and dad to call.

Up, up, and away!

alter ego: George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services

Joe m

Not bad

July 20 2006, 11:43 AM 

Just remember this George.

Superman is a trade mark of DC Comics and can not be used in any way.

Even the word Superman is trademarked.

Think it over. Or the DC lawyers will be calling.

Years ago we had a Inn around here called Mickeys & Minnies Inn and they used two mice as there logo. Disney's lawyers made them change it or would sue them.

It stinks but these big companys are tough on that stuff.

David Hebert

Re: Not bad

July 20 2006, 7:15 PM 

AS long as CleaningSuperman is all one word
use do not use the S logo you should be fine expecally if the
CleaningSuperman does not look anything like Superman.

Change the Colors get creative.

Current Topic - Painting My Truck
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