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Why I will never wear shorts while....

July 20 2006 at 1:12 PM

...using my cimex!!! The church i did yesterday was hotter than...well ya know..and that sticky cord on the Cimex just loves leg hair! I think I will sweat it out next time...6 hours of sweltering heat is no match for pulled leg hair!!!


Re: Why I will never wear shorts while....

July 20 2006, 2:51 PM 

been there done that...try usinmg a TM with fuel fired heat after hx...WOW that leaves a mark everynow and then, when you arent paying attention


Hot shorts down under

July 20 2006, 5:48 PM 

Disagree with you guys again, I love my shorts.

Wear them every day at work.

When you have legs like me....................

Never had a problem with the cable on the legs.

I always leave a small length on the 'Mex; that goes down under the silver hook, then up over the front of the yellow control box and over my right shoulder.

Depending on how I am working, sometimes the cable will go around the back of my neck, down over my left chest and under my left arm.

This allows me to hold the cable with my left hand and flick it when/if I need to.

With heat from the t/m, experience soon taught me how to hold my wand away from my legs, most times, but they breed us tough (or dumb) down under.




Re: Hot shorts down under

July 20 2006, 6:39 PM 

dont get me wrong shorty..right there with you, when you got legs that look like mine fact i had a lady tell me how sexy they were..true story..

it was in the dead of winter (yes shorts still in use) and she asked if i ever wore pants..."not if i dont have to" i said..she said "at least you have the legs to wear shorts in the winter"...needless to say i was a little red at the time..but now...woooohoooo show them puppies off


Patrick Matte

Re: Hot shorts down under

July 20 2006, 9:10 PM 

Kind of like when I told my dad that "it hurts when I do this..."His response would always be;"then don't do it!"It takes but a few minutes to retrain your brain to move just a little different.Winter time is just as bad as summer because everybody has their dang heat cranked way up to compensate for their at rest btus'.What I've started to do is wear convertable pants so when I start working and my btus' start escalating,I just zip off the legs and now I'm wearing shorts and much more comfortable.

Current Topic - Why I will never wear shorts while....
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