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continual encapping

July 20 2006 at 1:28 PM

We do a "gentleman's club". encapped every 5-6 weeks now for almost 2 1/2 years. I just figured its been about 22 times now. Last time we ran out of juice and finished with just clear water in cimex. We would still get foam if cimex set in one spot very long. Carpet also seems to resoil faster now, although it looks great when we finish each time, no spots or wickbacks. Do you feel a HWE would be benificial?. BTW, We also remove about 50-60 gum spots each time with citris gel.


David Hebert

Re: continual encapping

July 20 2006, 6:54 PM 

There are a few possiblities

1. the club is getting more traffic then it has in the past

2. They never vacuum the place very good, or at all.

3. someone may try to spott the place, the spotter for the gum may have some impact.

4. It is time to flush the toilet/ Empty the garbage can due to any of the above

It certainly cannot hurt to exptract it. Id use Encap Punch maybe even in the rince. then bonnet/ pad after to ensure no wick backs.

It will probably be good for anothr 2 or three years

I have heard two other people say that after a few years of encappingthey flushed out the carpet, but I also know they were not using Ricks products all the time



Rick Gelinas

Re: continual encapping

July 21 2006, 12:41 AM 

Good question. And David Hebert makes some good points above. I agree with his comments.

"4. It is time to flush the toilet/ Empty the garbage can due to any of the above"

Flushing the carpet periodically is not a bad idea. Meanwhile we've also seen many situations where continual encap cleanings can be perfectly adequate on an extended ongoing basis. We've seen carpets that have been maintained for YEARS with only encapsulation and they still look perfect. And we've also seen instances where a periodic HWE flush of the carpet may be needed to thoroughly flush out a carpet that gets heavy use or poor vacuuming. In fact that's why we sell the high-flow Steamin Demon machines. It's a machine that compliments encapsulation nicely. The SD is a "flushing" machine that performs at an unmatched 2-3 gallons of water per minute. Another option is to add some post-bonneting or OP cleaning following your encap cleaning in order to extract some additional soil at the time of cleaning. These periodic extraction steps can compliment a good encap program and provide the highest level of cleaning possible for your client. The more tools we have at our disposal makes it possible to provide the best service. Encapsulation is an indispensable tool in the commercial carpet cleaners toolbox. Yet it's not the only tool. All methods are beneficial and recommended. And as a professional cleaner, you're ultimately in the best position to evaluate the carpet conditions to determine what may be needed to maintain the carpet at an optimum appearance level.

Rick Gelinas


Re: continual encapping

July 21 2006, 10:35 AM 

We were doing daily janitorial here, its now 2 days a week with the staff doing it themselves in between. Probably the vacing is not as good now. We may try the post bonnet first to see what that does.


ron m

Re: continual encapping

July 21 2006, 11:10 AM 

You may want to try using pads as opposed to a straight e-cap. Sometimes I will spray the e-cap down and run over it with pads that are wet out with water only. Other times I will use pads soaked in e-cap juice.Either way I have noticed a better clean than straight e-cap although there are times when the condition of the carpet will allow me to scrub and run.Although I must admit I get a kick out of seeing the dirt in the pads.

This message has been edited by rmarkam on Jul 21, 2006 11:11 AM

Stan Kowalski

"Gentlemans" club?

July 21 2006, 4:49 PM 

If this place is really just a nasty STRIP-joint, God may be telling you to get on down the road. He will replace that lost income for sure.

You sound like a very concientious person.You can do better.

David Hebert

Re: "Gentlemans" club?

July 21 2006, 5:48 PM 

I always wondered why they call it a gentalmens club when there is not one Gent in the place, but we were not asked our opinions on if we thought Brian should not be in a biz like that cleaning.

I would either try OP/ bonnet pad the place if that did not work extract the next time.

Personally I will not due Strip joint or Porn shops/Adult toys.
That is just my conviction. If anyone feel ok with cleaning them, I see no reason to judge them the places due need to get cleaned JUST WEAR GLOVES


No Way

July 22 2006, 6:50 PM 

Could you imangine your well lettered van outside a strip joint or porn shop and you are in there cleaning the carpet, Who is going to believe it?


Re: No Way

July 24 2006, 12:00 PM 

My well lettered van has sat in front of this place 7 mornings a week for almost 3 years now. And my even better lettered trailer sets there every 5 weeks while I clean the carpet. My Pickup with my name on it has even set there at night a few times. The guy that owns it pays his bills on time , everytime. Its a business for him just as cleaning is mine.

Stan: Don't start that crap with me, you'll lose.


This message has been edited by BrianVanous on Jul 24, 2006 12:05 PM

Stan Kowalski

Ouch! Wham! Powee!

July 24 2006, 12:48 PM 

Just trying to help. This is America. By all means, clean when, where and how you want.

Current Topic - continual encapping
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