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Question about ReleasIT Products

July 21 2006 at 2:18 PM
Grant D  

Hi there. I'm wondering about when to use ReleaseIT Punch vs. the other releasit products. I use the Challenger OP method so I was assumming that encap punch was for me. However I'm not really understanding the difference between the different products. Does the regular releaseit actually decline in performance if you follow up the encapping with a few pads? Does this not happen with punch? Also, does the punch residue still crystallize and vacuum out when you use some pads to remove as much dirt as possible?

I know these questions are probably basic stuff for most of you here, but I'm new to encapping and am just learning about the products.



July 21 2006, 3:13 PM 


It doesn't matter what your scrubbing the carpet with Op,cimex,sprint... Encap ds is the best product because of it's foaming ability. Punch is great for heavily soiled carpets.. You can pre spray with punch and then encap with Ds and any scrubber. Encap punch is also great to use with a truck mount as an prespray or rinse. All of these encap products crystalize. they are just used in different manners. I was confused when I started too. Punch doesn't foam much so it's sometimes hard to see what you have just cleaned.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Punch

July 21 2006, 4:16 PM 

You can use Encap-Clean or Encap-Clean DS with your OP machine. However there's some benefit to using Encap-Punch for OP cleaning. It foams less than Encap-Clean. And foam retards the OP pad from absorbing soil. With a foaming detergent, the layer of tiny bubbles on the surface of the carpet forms a barrier between the carpet and the absorbent cloth bonnet/pad. Hence Encap-Punch is better suited for bonnet/OP cleaning. It's a great product for this application because you’re actually cleaning with TWO cleaning methods (1) Absorption, and (2) Encapsulation. The soil is pulled into the pad during cleaning and the remaining residue left in the carpet crystallizes. There are two primary benefits: The crystalline residue can be extracted with subsequent vacuumings, and the crystalline residue won't attract more dirt.

Rick Gelinas



July 22 2006, 11:15 PM 

Thanks for the info. I'll give it a whirl after my encap-punch arrives next week.

Current Topic - Question about ReleasIT Products
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS