Called back on an Encap job !!!July 26 2006 at 7:11 AM | Ralph |
| I had my first call back on an Encap job yesterday. It's kind of a funny story, although it took time out of my day. I cleaned a large open spaced hall that was very easy and then long hallway and some offices. At the end of the hallway was a glass bookcase with recessed lighting above it. The maint guy brought me right up to the glass case and showed me Two stains right below the glass case. There is a big function tonight and they wanted this place perfect for the event. I just laughed and moved a vase he had on the case and the stains were gone.
Ralph |
Author | Reply |
| Re: Called back on an Encap job !!! | July 26 2006, 8:12 AM |
I once to drive down to Philly, PA to look at a stain that we missed - I held my hand up to block an overhead light - stain gone! Funny except for the 2 hour drive! |
Tiberius Coale
| Re: Called back on an Encap job !!! | July 29 2006, 8:54 AM |
Hey, i'm local to Philly. Just wondering where you're located at. Thanks. |
Michael Norlen
| shadows | July 26 2006, 12:32 PM |
I once was called in for a redo only to fnd a shadow infront of a verticle vent along tbe wall slipped a white sheet of paper in front of the vent and viola no more stain |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: shadows | July 26 2006, 6:44 PM |
I can't tell you how many times I've had that happen to me. Cleaning retail stores is especially bad for this. Stores typically have recessed lighting as well as little spotlights all over the store. All that directional lighting plays havoc casting shadows from the racks and merchandise.
Another weird lighting condition can come from mirrors. A large mirror on a wall can reflect amplified lighting to a section of carpet. This can make it look like the carpet is clean in the reflected area, while a nearby section without reflection appears dirty. On more than one occasion, I've had to block the reflection of a mirror to confirm that the carpet was universally clean.
It's all about light and reflection of light. That's what registers in our brain. I've actually had fun pointing it out to customers. "See these little spots on your carpet; now watch what happens when I move this." I guess it is just smoke and mirrors after all. LOL
Rick Gelinas
This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 26, 2006 6:45 PM
| Re: shadows | July 26 2006, 7:21 PM |
Rick, I didn't know you "smoked" LOL |
Current Topic - Called back on an Encap job !!! |