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New To Encap -

July 26 2006 at 8:14 AM

Hello All-

I'm new to this board from ICS.

I've been bonnet cleaning for 15 years and curious about encapping'.

Can it be used with my 175 rpm bonnet mach. & cotton pads? I don't have the solution tank and shower feed setup, so can it be sprayed out of a sprayer?
Would that be called pad-capping?

Could you describe the process please?

Does it work well on residential berbers (med. soil/med to heavy spots)?

Does it leave residues or a film?


Rick Gelinas

Re: New To Encap -

July 26 2006, 4:00 PM 

Hi and WELCOME to the Encap-Board.

Yes you can perform encapsulation with a bonnet.

Our product Encap-Punch works excellently for this...

Using Encap-Punch for bonnet/pad cleaning enables you to clean with 2 methods - (1) absorption, and (2) encapsulation. Plus, and this is a BIG plus, you're not leaving behind a detergent residue that might attract soil. The Crystalon3 polymer in all of the Releasit detergents encapsulates soil for soil recovery in the post-vacuuming process, and it won't attract soil.

Happy encapping!

Rick Gelinas


Re: New To Encap -

July 28 2006, 11:20 AM 

Encapsulation is an excellent way to maintain carpeting. The healthcare faciltiy I work for had a comm. glue down lobby carpet that had been ruined by using a water extractor. The light gray carpet was black due to excessive wetting & wickback. I truly regret not taking before & after pictures! I started bonnet cleaning it using Encap Punch and a green stripe bonnet. I saw immediate improvement but after the third cleaning, the 10 yr. old carpet looked close to new again. I have been using this system for over a year and the carpets have never looked better!


Lose the green stipe bonnets!

August 2 2006, 2:25 PM 

Put a Fiber Plus/Max or Ice Blue Burnishing Pad under your rotary and follow that with a cotton pad. You'll be amazed! Pre-treat with punch or ad about 4-6oz to your DS and just go...

Current Topic - New To Encap -
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