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Lookin for a machine!

July 30 2006 at 1:54 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Hey guys, I am lookin for a machine that may not exist, but thought somebody might be able to point me in the right direction.
I own an Oreck Lowboy and an Oreck Orbiter. The Lowboy is heavy and the Orbiter is weak.
Is there an orbital pad machine out there that is around a 13 inch pad driver size and has good power. I need this for apartment buildings. When it is about 100 degrees outside packing equipment up flights of stairs is just about too much. The Orbiter is a nice size but is simply to weak. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Patrick Matte

Re: Lookin for a machine!

July 30 2006, 3:48 PM 

Challenger OP! Light years beyond what you're currently using with smoother ride and mucho clean-a-bilty.Also check out Rick's CRB!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Lookin for a machine!

July 30 2006, 8:52 PM 

As Patrick mentioned the Challenger is one sweet ride.
We have them if you're interested.

We also have a little surprise to be announced this week

Rick Gelinas

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Lookin for a machine!

July 31 2006, 1:33 AM 

It's just amazing to me that somebody has'nt created a 13 in. orbital pad machine that has good power and weighs about 45 lbs. A machine like that would be so nice to do small resi. and one bedroom apartments. P.S. Just got in from doing a Chinese restaurant, that's why I am posting so late.

This message has been edited by joeg345 on Jul 31, 2006 1:36 AM


Good 13" Floor Machine

July 31 2006, 7:04 AM 

I was on EBay awhile back and there was a Eureka Industrial Floor Machine 13" rotary on there. I but in a bid of $25 and was notified that my bid was the high bid. I'm like
"oh great what am I going to do with this thing" I get it and it is the greatest rotary going. It's fairly heavy, has a tank and is 1/2 horse pwr. I have a freind who is in tile and grout and is also an airline mechanic tell me it's "old 1/2 horse". I've it used with a Carpet brush on cut pile, fiberplus pads, terry cloth pads, fluffy cotton pads all with no problems. If you see one buy it.


Re: Good 13" Floor Machine

August 1 2006, 10:09 PM 

the Challenger has a 13.5" pad driver. weight is somewhere around 70 pounds though...can't recall exactly. the weight is part of what gives it the better agitation than your oreck...makes sense doesn't it?

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Lookin for a machine!
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