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Cimex Question

July 30 2006 at 2:03 PM


I have been using encap DS with my 175 rotary with a solution tank and fiber plus pads with pretty good results. I am wondering how much better it would be with a Cimex. Will I still get the swirl marks? They arent always bad but I sometimes see them. Also, what do you Cimex guys do when you come to tight corners and tight areas where there are desks etc? And finally, I tried a Cimex at last years connections and it seemed that most of the weight was on the wheels. With the rotary, all the weight is on the head. Is there a difference? Thanks



Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Question

July 30 2006, 3:24 PM 

It's like comparing a Corolla to a Porsche Carrera.
Both cars will get you from point A to point B, but that's where the comparison rightfully ends.

Your rotary machine has 1 driver. The Cimex has 3 drivers. Your rotary turns at 175 rpm's. The Cimex spins at 400 rpm's.
That means the Cimex has 3 times as many cleaning heads spinning more than twice as fast. That equates to a 600% increase with each cleaning pass.

Your rotary machine has a fixed driver that will not travel into low spots in the floor. The Cimex has a floating head and drivers that float over even the most uneven surfaces.

Last but not least...

The Cimex is a planetary machine. As the drive deck turns clockwise, the three cleaning heads spin counter-clockwise. So you're actually scrubbing left and right at the same time. This produces tremendous scrubbing ability since you're addressing all sides of the fiber with each pass. It's also safe for the fiber since it can't burn the or untwist the pile like a rotary can. It's also safe for the operator since there's no side to side torque like a rotary machine (you can let go of the handle while the machine's running and it just sits there running). Oh and one more cool thing about the planetary action is that it's impossible for it to grab a wire or cord such as what you might find under a desk.

Plus the Cimex has a 6.6 gallon tank. And it's built like a tank too. And it impresses customers that see it.

To answer your other questions too. The Cimex can be operated with the handle positioned any way you like it (even straight up) so it can get into even tighter areas than your rotary can. Yes the Cimex leaves swirls in some cut pile carpets. The swirls normally disappear after a couple of days of foot traffic and vacuuming. Explain this to your customers and there shouldn’t be a problem. The full weight of the motor and drive deck is on the head of the machine, so the higher percentage of its 105 pounds is on the carpet (ample weight for any carpet).

As you can see, it's like comparing a practical family/starter car to a full blown performance sports car.

Rick Gelinas


In tight places

July 30 2006, 3:30 PM 

Well Rick answered all the technical questions the Cimex is flat out a cleaning machine! In regards to your question about swirls, yes you do get swirls on some carpet. You have to groom with a grandi groomer brush (not the hard plastic) this needs to be done prior to drying. So you have to stop and groom often. Not like HWE where it stays damp for a couple of hours and you groom after you finish.
The tight places I think the Cimesx is easier than a rotary as it cleans in any direction you want forward,sideways,backwards. When working in tight places I will mix two gals with DS and two gals with Punch in the tank to cut dowmn on any foaming in case I get hung up on some thing.


Patrick Matte

Re: In tight places

July 30 2006, 3:51 PM 

In regards to putting the handle down for cleaning a low area;make sure your tank isn't full all the way!


Re: In tight places

July 30 2006, 9:49 PM 

LOL Patrick, I see you have dumped some solution on the floor too.

David Hebert

Re: In tight places

July 31 2006, 10:59 AM 

I must be the wierd one here. I use a 320 speed rotary. I have not had any problems with swirel marks on the carpt unless with was a deep pile.

Corners or tight spots are easy. Either you get over sized pads that will get deeper into the corners and under toe kicks, or you go get a doodle bug and a small handle. Hit the tight spots before or after you clean the rest of the facility you are cleaning. I tend to do it after.

If you cannot afford the purchase a Cimex yet I would highly recomend getting either a duel speed 20 inch rotary or a 20 inch variable speed.

Rick also sells the Challanger but I do not know the production rates on it.

with a shampoo tank on it and some fiber pads I bet it could have good production

This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Jul 31, 2006 11:05 AM

Current Topic - Cimex Question
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