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The longivity of Punch.

July 30 2006 at 9:58 PM

Today as I was doing one of our auto dealerships. I found a spray bottle of punch (quart) that I had mixed over 3 months ago. It was on back of the shelf in my van and ought of sight. This has been a very hot summer with several days over 100 degrees so the inside of the van had to be around 120 degrees. Well I need something more than the Releasit in the customer lounge, so I presrayed with the Punch 4' x 5' area, and the Power of the Punch was still there. How long is this stuff good for after it is mixed? I use Releasit up to a week after it is mixed.


Rick Gelinas

Re: The longivity of Punch.

July 31 2006, 8:41 AM 

Oxygen, heat, and sunlight can degrade chemicals. All cleaning chemicals begin to break down when they're exposed to open air. This is a natural occurrence. However if a product is in a sealed container, such as your quart bottle, the length of time that a diluted product will stay fresh can be nearly as long as it would in an undiluted state. So if you're planning to keep diluted products for a while, try to seal them in a container and they'll last for much longer than they would have in an open bucket. Encap-Punch should stay fresh for several months mixed in a spray bottle.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: The longivity of Punch.

July 31 2006, 10:52 AM 

Thanks for the info Rick

When We mix up any chemicals they are put in a five gallon jug with screw covers and spickets in them. Sometimes I'll mix up 5 to ten containers before a big job so I just have to place them in a few locations in the building, save me from stopping

Current Topic - The longivity of Punch.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS