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Cleaning brushes

August 1 2006 at 9:34 PM
Tim Visser  

what is the best ay to clean the carpet brushes?


Re: Cleaning brushes

August 1 2006, 10:39 PM 

Throw them away and get pads. I havent used my brushes in months.


Re: Cleaning brushes

August 1 2006, 10:54 PM 

I have the brushes only used them once i think, used a lot of pads, have been using the bonnets lately though and like them a lot

Richard Brooks

Re: Cleaning brushes

August 1 2006, 11:51 PM 

Greg loe

Re: Cleaning brushes

August 2 2006, 3:13 AM 

want to sell brushes cheap?

Greg Loe

Rick Davies

Re: Cleaning brushes

August 2 2006, 8:10 AM 

I clean mine in a large sink with hot water and lestiol and let the soak. I would like to here how you guys clean yours. I am am not convinced that the fiber pads work better or are more economical to use.

Tim Visser

Re: Cleaning brushes

August 2 2006, 10:26 AM 

I need my carpet brushes, but I do have tile brushes that I don't used. If you are interested.


Carwash - Always!

August 2 2006, 7:51 PM 

The best and fastest way to clean your scrub brush is at the car wash.

Find one with decent heat, put it on the ground and blast away!

You'll get the technique on how to do it without getting soaked after a few tries. Blast it, flip it over and drop it face down a time or two, blast it again, and repeat until clean (you'll see debris on the ground when you do the drop technique - it works well). You can use your basic carpet spotter to loosen the soil if you need to, but the hot pressure will usually do the trick. I wash mine after every bad job, like the one I had today. Just tidy up afterwards so the owners won't get ticked!!

I also pressure blast my carpet grooming brushes and rinse tanks, etc. while I'm there. I'm a fanatic about keeping the equip. clean and neat.

You're probably already there anyhow to clean your van every day, why not clean your equipment, too!


Re: Carwash - Always!

August 2 2006, 9:23 PM 

Yes I 'm interested in them.


Greg, you are not a Price Shopping Punk are you?

August 3 2006, 11:56 AM 

buy your carpet shampoo at wal-mart too?

do you care about service?
quality of the brushes?
guaranteed delivered safe and ontime?
great customer service?
Are you loyal to your supplier?
why should your customers be loyal to you?
Bet they could find a cheaper cleaner

haha --- Derek


Re: Greg, you are not a Price Shopping Punk are you?

August 3 2006, 6:05 PM 

not going to pay full price for anything used, are you crazy! Not sure how much I'll even use them. Don't want to buy new then try and return if I don't need them anymore.
Get my juice from Mr Rick, buddy! He's the man. Good try anyway

Greg Loe



August 3 2006, 10:06 PM 

was just harassing you. you posted that about me on ICS and i just copy/pasted. seemed fitting

i guess we were both off base.

all the best --- Derek.

Greg Loe

Re: :)~

August 4 2006, 12:43 AM 

Not a problem Mr. D

Greg Loe

Current Topic - Cleaning brushes
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