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idea for cleaning the plumbing

August 4 2006 at 6:01 PM
dan lincoln  

idea for cleaning the plumbing August 4 2006, 1:52 AM


You mentioned frequently cleaning the plumbing which we do at least monthly. On my newer machine it does flow slower than my older unit. Is it possible to run an acid (like the one used in truck mount de-scalers) thru the Cimex? It does not seem to work very well flushing out the system with water only to create better flow.

Just for the record these machines kick butt. You provide outstanding service and it’s always a pleasure to do business with you and your staff.

Dan Lincoln
Lincoln Cleaning & Restoration, Inc


Rick Gelinas

Re: idea for cleaning the plumbing

August 6 2006, 2:48 PM 


I haven't heard of anyone doing this. But I don't see why it wouldn't work. If you decide to try it can you post back here and let us know how it works? Thanks.

Rick Gelinas


Re: idea for cleaning the plumbing

August 6 2006, 3:26 PM 

Dan, how i have been doing it is filling my empty sol tank with fresh water then dropping my bucket heater into it and letting it sit for a good half hour. the water starts to steam of course and small bubbles start rising. i do this when i am on the job. when it's bubbling (and after i have pre-vac'ed), i pour in my EncapClean and clean as normal. i figure the near boiling water cleans out the plumbing better than anything else i could do.

just a guess --- Derek.

David Van Briggle

Re: idea for cleaning the plumbing

August 6 2006, 10:03 PM 

We have used descaler through our machines a few times with no apparent problems.

This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Aug 6, 2006 10:04 PM

Current Topic - idea for cleaning the plumbing
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