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Bidding a Cinema

August 7 2006 at 2:02 AM
Max Hall  

Measured about 14,000 sf of carpet to be bid for cleaning at a local cinema theater, plan on using the Cimex since they get it cleaned about every 2-3 months. I'm OK with that, but it also has over 500 steps. Any suggestions on a cleaning method that compliments the Cimex for that many steps? And what about pricing.....My experience tells me about $1.00 each step. Any feedback?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bidding a Cinema

August 7 2006, 8:08 AM 

10 cents a sq ft would be my recommendation. If they balk at that you could possibly drop down to 9 cents.

For steps you could use a lightweight rotary machine with a tank, pad driver, and FiberPlus pads (15" would be a good size).

Go to the top step and scrub your way backward down the steps.

DISCLAIMER: Running a rotary machine on steps can be extremely DANGEROUS. Only attempt this (at your own risk) if you are very competent running a rotary machine. If you decide to do this take extreme caution! Excellent Supply and it's agents assume no responsibility for injuries or death resulting from cleaning steps with a rotary machine.

Rick Gelinas


Steps made easy

August 7 2006, 9:47 AM 

Best way to clean stairs/steps is with the Pilemaster 15", You can remove the handle or leave it on. I have been doing all the stairs I clean with this machine for over a year now. It is fast and thourogh. In a commercial setting that useally have wide steps you can leave the handle on. I would not attempt a rotary on the stairs unless it was 13" or smaller like the Koblenz, but it will still not do the job as well as the Pilemaster.

Steve Retalic

Re: Steps made easy

August 7 2006, 12:43 PM 

Rick dont you make a tool for steps? Wouldnt that be the Ideal way to encapp them your tool with either a Heavy Duty Drill or an angle die grinder?

I know the steps are larger in a commercial setting. But I would rather be safe then on workers comp.

Max Hall

Auto Polisher

August 9 2006, 1:50 AM 

Has anyone ever tried an auto polisher with encap DS on stairs?

Current Topic - Bidding a Cinema
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