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Cinema's / Movie Theatre's

August 7 2006 at 8:08 PM

what time of day and which day of the week are you folks who are cleaning these establishments, cleaning them?

is the biggest problem gum?

do you charge extra for gum or just up the price per sq.ft.?

how are you removing ALL that gum in a TIMELY fashion?

i have a steamer machine that i've yet to use on the job. this would soften it quick enough. or would something like Powr Flite's gum zapper work better?

my tennis elbow wouldn't appreciate freeze spray and scraping a few hundred pieces of gum.

thanx --- Derek.

Richard Brooks

Re: Cinema's / Movie Theatre's

August 7 2006, 8:46 PM 

Hi Derek. I have a large Bar/Dance establishment that we clean regularly. Lots of gum. I purchased the Gum-Zapper from Powr-Flite specifically for this job and am happy with it. I first dribble a little bit of Dry-Max from CleanCraft and then hit it with the Gum-Zaper. Only takes about 2 seconds to remove the gum. I recommend a few extra batteries and when one goes dead throw it on the charger while using another.

As far as pricing I just built it into the overall cleaning price.



Re: Cinema's / Movie Theatre's

August 7 2006, 9:01 PM 

thanx Richard!

so after you've "zapped" it, how does the gum get removed from the carpet? does it just disintegrate?

thanx --- Derek.

Richard Brooks

Re: Cinema's / Movie Theatre's

August 7 2006, 10:09 PM 

The gum basically disintegrates with agitation. Dry-Max is awesome for gum and wax removal. It dissolves them very well. Just be careful a dab will do ya. Keep it out of the backing. I have used Dry-Max for six years now and have found nothing better for gum and wax. Give Bill over at CleanCraft a call. He'll take good care of you.


Current Topic - Cinema's / Movie Theatre's
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