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what do I need

August 10 2006 at 10:20 PM

what tools do I need the clean furniture, how safe is it?
Any info would be nice.



Rick Gelinas

How to clean upholstery "encap style"

August 10 2006, 11:18 PM 

I assume you're asking about cleaning with encap?

You can encap clean any piece with Releasit as long as the fabric can be wet cleaned and it's colorfast. As alway it's a good idea to test in an inconspicuous area prior to cleaning.

To clean with Releasit you can use the Rota Brush attachment on a drill

Or for commercial upholstery you could use the Drill Driver

You can use these accessories to scrub upholstery that's durable enough for brushing with a tool like this and can also stand wet cleaning. Simply mix up a little pail of Releasit. Then wet out the attachment in the diluted Releasit. Let the tool spin to work up a little foam in the head. Or you can also spray it directly onto the piece, however you'll want to be careful to avoid possibly over-wetting the fabric.

After scrubbing with the brush you can also towel off the upholstery, brushing the fiber in the lay of the fabric. Toweling off the the fabric will pull some additional soil and it adds a finished look to the piece (kind of like grooming the carpet).

Another way to clean upholstery is to use a horsehair brush or a sea sponge to gently brush the fabric. Work up some foam in the brush or sponge. Work the brush or sponge with the lay of the fabric. This approach is ideal for more delicate pieces. In this application you can also towel off the piece when you're done.

Another fellow to ask is Gary Heacock...

Gary is a guru when it comes to cleaning furniture and he loves using Releasit in the manner described above.
You can reach Gary at where he also sells some really good training manuals.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 13, 2006 9:00 AM

Current Topic - what do I need
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS