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Hotels going smoke free

August 18 2006 at 12:19 PM

As hotel chains start to go smoke free what is the best way to "flip" smoking rooms to non? I read on here that someone use to do that. I think it was Ray Moody? Just curious I have been approached by a few Marriotts in my area. Thanks for any advice. I figured I would use some unsmoke products and do a light thermal fog in each room? Along with cleaning the carpets, drapes, furniture, and wiping the walls down.

Rick Thode

Re: Hotels going smoke free

August 18 2006, 7:05 PM 

There is a new product on the market that works extremely well for this. It's been used by several hotel chains in Canada that I am aware of with excellent results. The product is all natural and attacks the smoke molecule and destroys it. The great thing is that it doesn't have and real smell of it's own. I've often said that the best smell is no smell at all. The product is very cost effective. You can use it to launder the soft furnishings in the room. Cold fog the room with a ULV fogger and the product. Then wash the walls, and all contents include using product for the carpet cleaning to complete the process.

We use to do this and have to use things like ozone (quite dangerous and damaging to rubber and other organic substances) and strong odor counteractants.

This has really simplified the process. The product is called odor out and it is safe enough to drink and yet it works so well.

If your interested, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the right people.

Rick Thode

Current Topic - Hotels going smoke free
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