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Cimex to the rescue

August 19 2006 at 2:11 PM

I am adding a picture of a restaurant I cleaned using Cimex this past Friday. This restaurant is in a 100 plus room hotel. This carpet has not been cleaned in 3 plus years. I was worried that Releasit® Encap-Clean DS™ alone would not do well. I called Rick and spoke with him he said all will be good. I cut to the chase and used grey pads. The owner of the restaurant was on vacation he was not able to see the results yet. His boss however was there and she was blown away.
After I started cleaning, she immediately saw the results, then told the past horror stories of getting the carpets cleaned. The restaurant people are in charge of the ball room 7000 square feet. They want me to clean the whole ball room ASAP. The best part of this is these people own four 100 plus room hotels with restaurants and catering rooms. They want our company to do all the carpets in all there hotels from now on.
I can’t thank Rick enough for his knowledge and wisdom and immediate support at anytime.
This Cimex is one of the best tools our company has acquired to date. I spent 2 hours doing that restaurant and charged $300. They did not even blink an eye at the pricing. Because the Cimex is such a high production machine I am able to under price and out clean my competition. I gave them pricing for the ball room and will still be in the $150 to $175 per hour price range.
I can’t thank Rick enough for helping us make our business grow.

This message has been edited by Misteryez on Aug 19, 2006 7:32 PM
This message has been edited by Misteryez on Aug 19, 2006 2:13 PM


Re: Cimex to the rescue

August 19 2006, 2:17 PM 

Well I can't get the pictures to work oh well.

Bob Kinnarney

Re: Cimex to the rescue

August 19 2006, 5:57 PM 

Nice going. But why under cut them, when you know you can clean better than them? I would think the Hotel would be more than happy to pay the same price or a little more for the results you are providing. You are worth it. Just a thought.



Re: Cimex to the rescue

August 19 2006, 7:16 PM 

You would think that is the case but far from true. The guy sitting at the top who pays the bills does not give a second thought to price over quality.



August 20 2006, 8:13 PM 

If any one wants pictures I will email them to you.

Current Topic - Cimex to the rescue
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS