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5 Gallon Packaging & Increased Potency

August 20 2006 at 1:10 PM
J. Sweetland  

Is Releasit Encap-Clean DS & Encap Punch available in 5 gallon pails or totes? It'd save a little space on the truck & a whole bunch of gallon jugs! I guess while we're at it, can Releasit Encap-Clean & Encap-Punch be blended for dilution at 2 oz & 4oz per gallon respectively? These 2 things could save $ on shipping & packaging. What are your thoughts Rick?

This message has been edited by Jeremy_Sweetland on Aug 21, 2006 8:33 AM
This message has been edited by Jeremy_Sweetland on Aug 20, 2006 1:46 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: 5 Gallon Packaging & Increased Potency

August 21 2006, 9:01 AM 


We can't go any stronger with the dilutions of Encap-Clean DS or Encap-Punch (we've already attempted this). We're at the threshold where if we make the products stronger the raw ingredients coagulate in the formula. The raw ingredients are already at about 85% with DS so there isn't any room in the formula to condense it any further. Therefore going stronger isn't an option. We haven't produced our products in 5 gallon buckets for two reasons. First, most folks prefer single gallons for simplicity sake so there isn't enough demand to tool up and run 5 gallon containers. Second, UPS and the other shippers are not set up to ship round items (they've got enough trouble shipping square boxes). However we can provide you with 55 gallon drums. And this can save you money. If you would like a 55 just give us a call. Of course cleaning at .003 cents per sq ft with Encap-Clean DS you're already working in the econo zone.

Thanks for asking though.

Rick Gelinas


What about 5 gallon totes?

August 21 2006, 11:30 AM 


Rick Gelinas

Re: What about 5 gallon totes?

August 21 2006, 1:22 PM 

Those types of tote containers are EXPENSIVE. This would add cost as opposed to saving money.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: What about 5 gallon totes?

August 21 2006, 2:10 PM 

The cheapest containers to ship besides the 4 gallon cases are
the 2 1/2 gallon containers.

It is less expensive to ship then a 5 gallon container, takes less room then a case of 4 gallon containers also. can ship 5 gallons for the price 4 in a case.

most all of our chemicals come that way or in 1/2 gallon concentrats ( you add the water)

The ones that do not get put into a 2 1/2 gallon container.


Current Topic - 5 Gallon Packaging & Increased Potency
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