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Fingerprinting dust

August 21 2006 at 9:17 PM
Wayne Martin 

What removes fingerprinting dust from carpet and upholstery ?

Also, another question, where can i purchase the ring that goes around scrubber that keeps it from slinging stuff everywhere when scrubbing hard surfaces?

Your prompt replies would be appreciated.




Re: Fingerprinting dust

August 21 2006, 9:34 PM 

If you have the Cimex I would pre spray with some punch. Then make several passes over the spots working in punch. Then after araea is dryer, clean with Releasit® Encap-Clean DS™. The fingeprinting dust is most times made of carbon powder. I have worked with carbon powder in the past Nasty stuff. It is pretty easy to remove with lots of agitation.


Re: Fingerprinting dust

August 21 2006, 9:55 PM 

i think HESCO sells the splash guard you are referring to.

thanx --- D.


Re: Fingerprinting dust

August 22 2006, 12:25 AM 

A few years ago, a young girl was murdered in Cairns.

We had the job of cleaning the motel room, including carpets.

The cops had f/p dust over everything from 18" above the floor to a height of over 6'

I had no less than 6 phone calls from the cops down in Brisbane, 1,200 miles away, telling me how to clean the carpet and under no circumstances to wet it, otherwise I would be paying for new carpet, polyprop;

I took a lot of notice, and pre-sprayed with an alkaline detergent, following up with an acid rinse.

The manager said the carpets had never looked so good.

I have done several carpets in this condition, always the same way.

But I have not tried Releasit, or any other encap yet.

Hope this helps.


Current Topic - Fingerprinting dust
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS